Meet the bleach blond energizer bunny

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I was woken up by my  alarm,  with my eyes closed I managed to hit the off button.  I really was going to hate getting up early everyday.  The guys got to sleep in later then me. Which wasn’t fair at all.

I opened my eyes to fine Vic sleeping, my head was on his chest and his arm was around me.  I didn’t mind  last night. I felt more at home when he pulled me close.

I lifted my head to look at him,  he always looked so peaceful and youthful when he slept. He reminded me of when we were  kids. 

But now I had to find a way out of the  bunk.

Somehow I had managed to slide  over Vic without waking him and jump down from my bunk.   Showering quickly and  pulled on a pair of  black skinnies my navy  blue Toms and a white tank, I grabbed  my  phone, water, and  my key chain with my  VIP  card and  was  off

The  crew had already  began to set up the venue and most of the  merch tents where up already.

It took 5 minutes for me to find our tent.  When I reached it, there was boxes of   shirts and short, posters and cds.  Then a  big felt  board behind me and pins.  I sighed and  got to work.

And hour later, I had  shirts pinned up and  prices.  I had  organized all the shirts and  got my money box ready for today.

“Hey”  a cheerful voice spoke.

I looked over to the person  and  instantly smiled. A girl around my age stood on the other side of the table. She had on dark grey shorts and a black tank that said  keep calm and  Warp tour on . Her hair was bleach blonde with black peek a boos. She was  really pretty.

“Hey” I replied not sure if she was my helper or not.

“Im Ashley, im your  merch girl helper!”  she  beamed and  stuck out her hand.  

I smiled shaking it.

“That’s great, Im Tammy, but you can call me Tam.  Come on back. Ive done most of the sorting but  there’s a  box of poster that need to be looked through and counted.

She jumped with excitement and skipped to where I was.

Without a word she went to work.   I was happy she was  very enthusiastic but I don’t think I could handle that much energy every morning.

It was around  4 pm and it had been non stop since the  doors of Warped opened.  We sold a lot of merch and I was asked a few times for pictures or auto graphs from fans who knew who I was.

We  finally got a  break and I noticed  Ashley  looking over at me.

“Who are you?”  she asked. Turing her  head to the side.

“Im nobody really, just  really close friends with Pierce the veil”

This huge grin popped on her face.

“I know you! Your Vics girlfriend!” she screamed, making a  few  people look over.

“ No im not, we  never dated. that’s just rumours, hes my best friend”

For some reason I think that made her  even happier.

“Oh well.  Hes  so hot. I honestly  am a big fan. How are they ?”  

This girl was crazy, I don’t even think the guys  picked her to be a merch.

“Their good guys, really funny. Ive known them for most of my life.”

Just then I was saved by another  swarm of  fans. Screaming  sizes at me.

Pierce the veil was about to come on and I had perfect view of the main stage. 

Ashley was  jumping up and down signing along  with Vic. I normally was too but  having her go all fan girl was annoying me.  

Their set was finished and Jaime came over to our tent. Which sent Ashley into panic mode.

She was all over him.  I just  rolled my eyes and  continued to take the  line.

“Hey, Tam pam, how’s the merch tent going?”  finally Jaime got away from Ashley when left to get food.

“Its good, except for miss  hyper play boy bunny over there. She was okay in the beginning but now  the energizer bunny needs to cool it.”

Jaime  ruffled my hair and laughed.

“Calm down grandma, shes young and enjoying life. You might hate me for this, but I invited her  to chill with us tonight.”

“You  what?!”  I punched Jaime in the arm

“Ouuch!  What was that for?” he said rubbing his arm.

“For inviting her,  well  you better  warn Vic. Cause shes obsessed and ive had to listen to it all day  long”

Jaime smirked at me then saluted me, walking  over to talk to some fans.

The day finished and Ashley and I packed up the merch and  help the  crew  load it back on the bus. She wouldn’t stop  talking about how much fun tonight was going to be.  She ran back to her bus to get ready. 

I was finally alone. 

“Do you want to have a fag with me? You look a  bit stressed”  a guy with a British accent spoke making me jump. I turned around and it was  Danny Worsnop. I felt my cheeks start to burn. He smiled.

“I .. sure thanks”  I normally didn’t smoke, but that was because  Vic hated it.  Vic wasn’t around.

Danny reach over and  lit my  cig for me. He smelt so good.

“ Why so stressed, love?”  my head was screaming and  freaking out that Danny was talking to me, but then I remembered  Ashley.

“Well this girl that is helping me sell merch, its such a pain. Shes way too hyper and  wouldn’t shut up about the band. She kept  leaving the tent today too. Plus she  came late this morning so I had to set up all by my self.  I know this is my first year but  honestly!  Cant  I get someone who isn’t a   energizer play boy bunny!”  at the end I realizes  my  voice was raised at how angry I really was.  Danny  was just laughing at me. 

“looks like you need a drink. Are you going to the bbq later?”   I couldn’t help but smile.

“I am, will I be seeing you there?”  trying to mock his accent.  Which made him laugh harder.

“I like you, well if your going to be there then you bet your sexy ass I will.” 

He thinks my ass is sexy!  I couldn’t help but giggle.

With that  he put out his smoke , gave me a hugged and we said out goodbyes.

I ran back to the bus  forgetting to spray something on so Vic wouldn’t know.  I walked on to find  Ashley  flirting with Vic. She stood really close to him  laughing like a school girl,  lightly touching his arm. he stood  scratching his neck like he always did when he got nervous and smiling like a buffoon.  This for some reason made me rage. I slammed the door shut to make my  presence known. Both of them looked over

“Hey , TAMMY!” Vic came over and gave me a huge  hug, only to pull me away and  give me a look.

I ignored it and walked to the bunk areas to grab my clothes and run in for a shower. Ignored Ashley’s hello as well.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now