Keep Calm and Eat a Taco

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Chapter 25


It was  late in the evening and Tammy and  I were about to start making dinner. We had  lost a  round  of  COD and was  now force to make  dinner for the boys.  Might  I add we were all drinking.

“Quiero Tacoooss!!!”  Jaime yelled as he jumped around to  music.

“Si Si senora!”  Vic chimed in. 

Mike walked  from the  back room  grinning that  mischievous  grin that made my stomach  turn into knots.  He was so sexy  but  I knew there was more to come. it wasnt  good.

Tammy sighed beside me,  I couldn’t help but giggle.  She knew something was coming. I was  slightly feeling the  drinks.

“Wait!  Ladies. You must wear these!”   Mike help up two bikinis and aprons that  said  Keep calm and have a taco

“MIKE!!”  we both yelled at the same time before bursting into laughter.

I don’t know  about  Tam but I did not  want to wear a  bikini while making  dinner, I didn’t want to wear  one period in front of everyone.

“Oh girls, it'll be fine, you have the apron”  Mike walked over  giving me a wink while handing me the  clothing.

“Mike I really don’t want to.”  I pleaded.   He just  messed up my  hair and  kissed me  cheek.

“Youll be all sexy for me”   I knew he was super  drunk. There was no way  Mike would ever let me  go out half naked in front of other  guys. Even  if it is only us.

Tammy  just shook her head  and  grabbed my  hand,  dragging my to the back.

“This  night just got even better!!”  I could  hear Tony  from the  back lounge  followed by a cheers. 

I wounder who's the first one to pass out tonight.

“I wanted to tell you how happy I am for you and mike”  Tammy spoke as we both got  dressed.  I could feel my  cheek blushing. I was happy too. 

“Thanks. Im happy for you and  Vic”  still wondering if I should tell her about Ashley. 

I don’t even think it matters seeing as  they both slept cuddled up last night.  Ashley doesn’t stand a chance.

“Thanks, its  good to have him back too.  I didn’t tell you” 

“Tell me what?”  I asked as I put on the  apron and tied it in the back.

“Danny asked me to be his girlfriend” she squealed.  I turned around to find her  smiling  like a goof, her  cheeks were red.  Not  just from the alcohol but from blushing. 

My stomach dropped.  But I quickly regained myself and  plasted a  fake smile on my lips.  I thought her and Vic? 

“What?”   the word escaped my mouth before I could even think.

“He asked me this morning. It was through txt  so I told him I would think about it.”

 I let  go of  the breath I was holding.  There was still time.

“That’s  good, I mean who asks  people out over txt?”  giving a nervous laugh.

Tam laughed too.

“I know right, I want it to be cheesy and romantic”   I was glad that she was drunk because by now she would of questioned my voice. 

“I don’t think I want to cook in this”  .. yup she was drunk. Tossing her apron on the couch

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now