Let it bleed

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Chapter 14

Vic pov.

“Vic!… Vic stop!”  I could hear my brother calling me.  I was too mad, too scared, too empty.  so many emotions flooded my head.  All I wanted was to be alone right now.

"Vic  I swear to god if you don’t stop!!”  I was caught.  Mike gripped my  arm and pulled me aside. We stood  between two loading trucks by  tour bus.  He tried to look me in the face but my head was  down as I tried to blink away the tears.

“Vic, what the fuck was that?…  you want her to fall back into her old habits? You want her to leave us again?!” 

 Mikes words made my heart ache. I knew what I did was wrong  but this cant always be my  fault. 

“Im not  holding  back anymore”

My voice was shaky.  Mike didnt say anything, so I continued.

“I shouldn’t have to always worry about her, to babysit her.  When she doesn’t do the same? Im done..  Im done with this.”

Shocked with my own words I turned and walked away. Mike  never followed.

I entered the bus and slamed the door. 

Shit! What am I doing? I didn’t mean what  I said to Tam or  to mike. I just neede to get away.  Tam and  I never had a  fight, Never.  I couldn’t, I swore  id never be the one to hurt her in her life.    

Just then the door opened.

“Hello?”  a girls voice echoed from the front of the  bus.

It wasn’t  Tam, she would of just walked probably slaming stuff due to her anger, Cas would  only come on the bus if Mike was here. That leaves.


“Oh Vic, there you are!  I heard there wasa fight, are you okay?” her  voice was soft and  full of consern.  She walked up and pulled me into a hug.  The one thing I needed right now.

“Oh Vic, your  friend isn’t being fair at all to you” 

“It was  my fault too, I kind of blew up.”  Ashely  ran her  hand down my  arm and intertwined with my fingers slowly pulling me over to the  couch.  She  curled up beside me resting her head on my shoulder.

“No, you had every right.  You told  me before you always worry about her, this  goes to show you had enough.  Its time to stop baby sitting her and have fun. Shes the  most irresponsible person  ive ever met.  She  left me today to go drink with that annoying brunette.”

“You think Cas is annoying?”   I didn’t think  Cas was annoying, was I missing something here?Tam would never leave the merch stand.  Maybe she has changed.

“I mean..  she  threatened me earlier today. Told me to stay away or  she'd  punch my face in.  I bet her and  Tam are teaming up against me.” Ashley pouted.

I couldn’t believe the things I was hearing.   I didn’t even think they were like that, Tam was never like this.

“ I have to go talk to her” I said standing up .

“No, Vic don’t go.”  Ashley  grabbed my hand and tried to pull me back down,  she was  leaning pressing her boobs to my hand . Ill admit It was inviting. 

“I need to straighten this out with Tam,  she cant be running off and  if Cas is threatening you.” 

Shaking my  hand out of her grip, I left.

Not even 5  minutes later, I bumped into Cas and  mike. 

“Where are you going?” Mike asked.

“To talk to Tammy on the way shes  treating people.”

“What are you talking about” This time is was Cas's turn to speak up. I looked over to her and thought of what  Ashley  told  me then looked down at their hands  intertwined.

“The threats”  I hissed  walking in between them and making their hands  fall apart.



That laugh,  The same laugh that ive listened  to for most of my  life. Thelaugh that I tried my best to get out of her day after day. Just to see her smile. The same laugh that put a  smile on my face.  My stomach tightened as I heard  Tammy laugh.  Though she wasn’t alone.

It was after the gates had been closed so I know it would  of been someone from a  band.

“Aw , Danny your such a sweetheart”   

The sound of his name from her  lips  make  my hands turn to fist. Why him?

“Well Tam Tam,   I hate seeing you so unhappy. That smile looks good on you.”

This time I could see them,  Danny  was  standing there holding her waist.  They stood under  our merch tent.  Obviously they were too much into each other to notice I was standing there.

“You should come by tonight. Maybe sleep over?”

She smiled showing her teeth.  Their eyes never once  broke contact. Everything I came here to talk about  had  vanished, now all I wanted to do was punch his face  in.

“Id  love to. To be honest, I feel a lot better since you came” she giggled

“All the more reason to spend the night with me. you’ll feel even more better tonight.”  I watched as  he leaned in for a kiss, her  eyes closed as  his hand ran down from  the small of her  back to her  butt.

My heart was pounding in my chest, as much as  it hurt right now  I was furious. How could she pick him?  I was the one to make her smile like that. To make her feel better.

I wanted to  go up to them and rip them apart.  To punch his face in, to tell her  I was the one.

Without thinking I punched the pillar  beside me.  They pulled away and looked in my  direction.  

“Vic?”    I heard Tam say my name in the distance but I was too running too fast to stop and go back.

I had no idea where I was running to, suddenly I stopped.  It was our bus.  Taking a deep breath I walked in. 

Ignoring everyone's  gaze  I walked to the kitchen pulling out the  jack Daniel's. Opening it I let the brown nectar run down my throat burning my stomach. I needed this to work, and fast..

“Dude, slow down with the jack” Jaime stood beside me  placing a hand on my shoulder.

His  eyes held concern.

"Vic,  maybe you should put down the bottle.  Your drinking it like water.”

I had  down more then half, my  body was numbing, my throat held a gross taste but the image in my mind was still there.

“No, I like this”  my  voice came out low and raspy. Jaime looked at me in shock. 

“I think ill take this now, and go to”  walking to the back to grab my sweater. 

With no knowledge of what I was doing I turned around and walked to the front again. 

“Oh  you guys can lock the door. She isn’t coming back tonight. Either am I.” with that I left.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now