picking up the pieces

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chapter 18

Mike POV

We had  just finished our set,  I was the last  one off stage.  Waving to the screaming crowd I noticed an even bigger crowd  forming over at our tent.  Too big to be a  mod of fans.

This wasn’t  good. 

Jumping off stage, I pushed my way through to our tent.  I didn’t have to see what was going on.  As  I got closer  everyone was chanting  “fight”   while two girls screamed at each other.

Without stopping  I  grabbed Tammy pulling her off.  Just as Tony else grabbed Ashely.  Quickly  locking her so she couldn’t break out I dragged her  to a  quiet  area. Trying to  calm her down.

She stopped struggling and  I felt her  body relax. 

“If I let go will you promise to stay here and tell me what happened?”  

Her head hung  as she nodded.  

Within seconds of  letting her go, Tam crashed into my chest sobbing. 

Poor thing.

We stood there for a good  minutes, I just let her get everything out.

“I hate her, I hate her so much”

“  I know Tam.  But what happened?”   speaking to Tam in a soft  voice.

I directed her to sit down on the grass with  me,  I pulled her  on my lap and handed her a cig. We smoked together time to time, when we had out talks.  This seems like a good time.

“please tell me that bra you where holding the other morning was from Cas?”  her voice was low and pull of pain. 

It killed me to tell her the truth but I couldn’t lie. She was  like my sister.

“I wasn’t  mine”

She let out a small sigh.

“I had a feeling”

“I wasnt  happy when I saw it, but  Vic  came  back last night and  started drinking like it was water. He ran out and never came home.”

There was silence, I didn’t noticed how fast she finished her smoke.

“She called me a and alcoholic slut.  Said that I was a  bad friend to  Vic cause hes always worrying and cleaning my mess” Tam  picked up my  pack and took about smoke.

“Vics always been the type though.  There isn’t one time that he has ever thought of you as a bad friend or an alcoholic. Shes trying to get to you.”

“So I do make him worry.  UGH!  Why did  I even come on this tour?!” 

“so that we could all have fun this summer?”  answering her 

“NO, so he could keep watch over me!” Tam stood up and started to pace back and  forth. I knew Vic worried about her,  Tam had always  struggled with eating disorders and heavily drinking after  her father past. Sometimes I think his over protectiveness made her worst. But for the most part we all just wanted her around.

“Listen Tam, you two are inseptrable. We asked you to come because we love you.  If he wants to go and be used by this girl. Let him.  Don’t go worring about it. What about Danny?  You two have been getting close?” 

I had to change the subject before she dig a line in the ground with her feet.

“I think I know why Vic came back and drank.”  she had stopped and looked at me. 

“He saw Danny kiss me last night,  I had no idea he was even standing there until he punched the pole and ran off”

“That explains a lot”  it did, something was up with Vic.

“You know what?  Your right. I have Danny”   I was surprised she said that.

 she kissed my cheek and  walked off leaving me confused as ever.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now