Maybe I'll pretend right now

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chapter 8

Tam pov

It was awkward walking out of the bathroom to find Vic standing there.  I was so mad at him last night, but one look at him and it all vanished. I couldn’t stay mad at my best friend, nothing could  ruin my mood today. I had sex with Danny last night, my world was full of butterflies and  unicorns.

When  Vic questioned my happiness I felt guilty and  let my annoyance of this feeling  come out.

“I cant be happy for once?, Vic?”

We weren’t facing each other as  I got dressed but he must of heard the annoyance in my voice, cause next thing I knew I was  pulled into a hug and his face was buried  in my neck. He knew my weakness.  The vibrations of his voice  sent shivers  down my spin and I couldn’t help but laugh.  Everything I was feeling vanished.  It always did when he was close.

“Oh Vic, like I could stay mad at  you. Now get off me so I can do my hair before it dries into the great  tumble weed of Texas” 

With my escape I quickly got in a  punch and ran to the bathroom.

Working at the tent today wasn’t so bad,  Tony and  Jaime  dropped by to help out and talk to some fans.  Ashley  had  run off a few hours ago and was no where to be seen.  I didn’t care, my mood was still rainbows and  unicorns.

“Well, somebody’s happy today, did you decided to start drinking early today?” Tony joked as he took a  sip of water.

“For your information no, I happened to have  a very  good night last night.”  sticking my tongue out  at him as I handed a girl a tee.

“ AWW Tammy  had S E X!!” Jaime yelled in a  high pitch girl voice. I  threw an empty  card board box at him trying to hide my  blushing cheeks.

“SHHH!!  I don’t want the world to know!  … I HADSEXWITHDANNY!!”   now squealing like a  little girl.  I couldn’t bother to hide my grin. Both of the guys laughed.

“How did  you manage to get in his pants?” 

“WHAA. Im hurt! I happen to be a very sexy lady Jaime. If I recall  at a drunken party you even told me  yourself”

Tony was still laughing but  Jaime made a  shocked face  putting his hand to his chest.

“Well I don’t ever  recall saying such a  thing.”

“You’re an ass.”

“Then that makes you a  sexy ass” he winked.

“Well im proud of you Tam Tam,  just be careful  with those guys.” Tony  patted my  back .  Jaime nodded.

“Yeah, they drink more then we do.”

We didn’t  speak much after that because we had gotten another rush of screaming fans.

Before  the guys left to get ready for their show, they noticed Ashley never returned. 

I told them I could manage it. With that , they left.

“Hey, pop tart!”   I felt  arms  wrap around my waist.  



 Girls where screaming all around  pushing and  shoving each other to get up close to the  table. 

Ive been trapped in these situations with Vic before, but these  girls where crazy.

Vic calmly  smiled, signed everything that was thrown his way and took pictures with fans.

“okay  guys, I have to leave soon. I just  came over here to say hi to Tammy and see how she was. Do you think I could have some time?  I promise after the show ill come back”  everyone Aww'd    some walked away but  a lot stayed, snapping pictures  or yelling out stuff to get vics attention. 

He turned to me and we moved  closer to the back  trying to block out the fans.

“This is nuts” I breathed, feeling like I just ran a marathon. My ears were  ringing.

“Its Warped, their  crazy here.” giving me an apologetic smile.

“Was there something you needed?” 

He shook his head.

“I just wanted to see how you where before the show. Yesterday didn’t  feel the same going up there without getting my good luck hug” he smiled. Vic was the sweetest guy ever. Always had the sweetest things to say.

“Aww pookie, your such a baby.”  speaking to him like he was 5 and  pinching his cheeks.

“Ouch, I hate when you do that”   I just laughed and  hugged him. 

“Are you two dating?!!”  a fan screamed.  I forgot  they were standing there.

We let go but Vic still had his arm around me.

“This girl right here is my best friend in the whole world. I know you guys all think guys and girls  cant be friends without feeling something more. But we’ve never dated and don’t plan on it.”   Most  of the girls in the crowd gave me death stares.  I was use to it. Ive had crazy fan girls send me death threats or  girls try to pick a fight with me over  Vic. It was hard sometimes being his best friend.  But fame came with a price. 

Vic turned and pulled me into one last hug before he ran off towards stage.

Most of the fans had left the tent to get a  good standing view  of main stage to watch the guys.

“Doesn’t he smell good”  a  devilish yet annoying voice spoke from behind me.  Something  went off in my head and I felt me  skin start to crawl.

“You two make such a  cute couple.” 

“where have you been?”  ignoring what she said.  I still didn’t turn around to look at her. 

“I was  just checking out the other tents, talking to a few bands.”

She walked over and  helped me open and  sort shirts.  I looked up at her to find her smiling at me. She  looked innocent but the way she spoke about Vic  was to differ.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now