I've got so much to give, but I would kill just to feel less invisible

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Tam Pov.

“Can I have that  shirt over there?”   

“The  blue one?”  I pointed to the  wall of Tees  behind me

“Yeah!  Oh hey arent you  dating  Danny Whorsnop?”  the girl asked

“Yeah I am” I answered.  I had gotten a lot of these lately.  Ever since  I preformed with them, fanshad been coming up and  asking if we were dating or  if I was sleeping with Vic and Danny. 

“He's cute but I would of stayed with Vc”  she  said causly  like she knew what it was like to be with both of them.  I corssed my  arms.

“Oh yeah? How so?”  I found this interesting.  I never really bothered to ask fans for their input but some advice wouldn’t kill me.

“Well first  of, its Vic,  What girl wouldn’t want him. Second of all, Danny has  been known to drink and sleep around.  He may be sexy and have that accent , plus who doesn’t want a bad boy to bring home. But Vic seems like he'd  be more husband material.  Plus he seemed to realy care for you. Just look at the pictures of you guys.”

This girl was just going all out. She reminded me of a mother. Just going  off , stating the obvious. She didn’t know Danny like I did,  he wouldn’t cheat on me. That was one of the things I hated the most. Was his bad rep for drinking and sleeping with girls. No one understood the background crap that went  on. 

I didn’t answer her, just nodded.

I guess she took the hint cause she smiled and walked off. 

“guess who?!”  just then two hands coved my vision. Speaking in a very low voice. I knew who it was. Just by the way my heart started to race. 

“Hmm let me see”  I said as  I  placed my hands  on his feeling my way around.

“Well someone who has fat stubby fingers, a lot of  hang nails.”    his hands were warm ,the top was soft  but his fingers calused. I loved the way his hand would touch my skin.

“wow, such bony yet  hair  for arms”  I contunied,  smiling to myself how I was suing this to my advantage to feel him up.

“boy,  who ever you are I feel bad for you,  do you even lift?”  I was feeling his muscle, those perfectly tones muscles.  

“You know your mean right”  he said  pulling me in backwards  into a hug.

I turned around  taking myself out of his grasp to  smack him on the shoulder.

“You  know Im joking”  I said sticking out my tounge at the boy in front of me who was oretended to sulk at my comment. 

“No, you asked me if I even lift?, that’s SOO MEAN. Do you see these arms?” he said  flexing and pointing to his perfect bicept. 

“These are the money maker”   I smirked, trying to hide my drool.  What was he doing to me?

“sure  Vic, the money maker”   doing air qotations. 

“Fine, be like that. I guess you don’t want , this”   putting  a sonic the hedgehog  popcicle in front of my.  I went to grab it  but he pulled it away.

“Vic, what the hell!”

“Nope, not untill you say it”

I pouted “ say what?”

“That  I have sexy arms and I am god”  

“I have sexy arms and I amd god”  I resited crossing my arms over my  chest and rolling my eyes. I knew what he wanted me to say.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now