Rude awakening

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Chapter 30

It was morning,  I could tell because I was woken up from My 2 hour nap  by  banging on the door.

I groaned.  I had just finally passed out  after  being wide awake with the news Danny decided to tell me before  he  went to sleep. 

Knowing this  noise wouldn’t stop I pulled on  Dannys top and  hurried to the door.

“GET UP GET UP GET UP !!”  two boys  screamed as they entered the bus with pots and  pans. 

My  hands went to  my ears. As the piercing noise carried one.


“  GET UP, GET  DRESSED, GET YOUR TUSH OUTSIDE”   Jaime  sang as  Tony  banged on his pan.  

Grabbing the  wooden  spoon from Tony  I chased him around the  bus with it as  Jaime  just laughed.


“I surrender!!  Im sorry, im sorry! please dont bang me ”  he was  laughing so hard, I was catching up to him. Jumping on Tony's back we crashed to the floor.

“ugh! Tammy, get off lard butt!”  

“NEVER!! Turtle your going to pay for waking me!”

“How am  I going too..”

It was too late I was tickling .  This poor kid was  trying to hard to push me off.  


I fell over laughing.  He  quickly rolled over and jumped up. Jaime just  stood there laughing at our immaturity.

“Okay you two, I need a shower.”

“Well we're  leaving  soon”

“How soon?” I asked.

“Maybe 30? Oh and you may want to put some clothes on”

My cheek started to burn, I forgot I was only in Danny's shirt. Which wasn’t very long at all.

“I need some  clothes  from out bus, do you think?”

“Say no more senorita. We shall return!, come on,  Turtle we have our  first quest of the day!” 

They  both ran off the bus like  little children. I just stood there smiling until a pair of arms wrapped around my waste.

“Mornin love”

Danny whispered , his  voice  was raspy from just waking up.

“Morning. Sleep well?”   I could feel him nodding his head as he  softly kissed my neck.

“Wait Danny  I have to shower. Make  us coffee?”  

I turned from his grasp and kissed him before walking in to the bathroom.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now