Love like a tidal wave (Final )

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 I honestly had no idea what to put as a title ....but enjoy!! its the last chapter :'(

 We stood with a gap between us not knowing what to do. Her eyes were every where but locked with mine. where I couldn’t stop looking at her. Thinking this was some kind of joke my mind was playing on me.

“Are you real?”  the stupid question slipping out from my mouth.   A smile formed on her lips as she  let out a slight giggle.

“Im pretty sure i'm real”

 We fell quiet again as  this sunk in. She was here,  Everything I had  hopped for. Why couldn’t  I speak? Why couldn’t I ask her the things that I wanted to know, Why couldn’t I get mad and tell her how much it hurt?

GOD Vic, man the hell up!. 

“How did you?... Why did... You? I don’t get it?” I stumbled over every word  not even forming the actual questions that swarmed my head for weeks.

“Tony.  Tony found me.”

Flash back. In Tams pov

“Hey long time no see”  my  voice shaking into the receiver. My body was anxious.

“I knew you'd come around” he let  out a breathy laugh.

“Yeah, I guess I did. Um Turtle are you?”

“Im waiting for you at  Nona's, The plane leaves in 3 hours”

I mumbled a  okay  and hung up. I looked around hoping someone would stop me from doing this, stop me from leaving. But it wasn’t like anyone knew me or the situation. It wasn't like some random stranger would  burst through the  cafe doors all dramatically with a  sappy speech about how i shouldn't leave and this was stupid.  This was all on me.

So I ran.  I ran out of the store and to my car. Turning it on and  driving like a  maniac back to my place to were Tony waited.

He stood there leaning on his car with a  duffel bag by his feet.  This was defiantly planned. 

End flash back

“He drove me here.”  

I had nothing to say, I couldn’t decided if I wanted to  punch him for this or give him the biggest brotherly kiss in the world for finding her.  

“Vic, I own you an explanation.”  Tam walked  outside and sat on one of the lawn chairs. Her hands nervously playing with the hem of her  jeans. I followed but remained standing.

“I understand if your angry  or hate me. I hurt you. God!, I hurt my self. But I couldn’t be there anymore, I lost it. I had so much pressure on me.”

“Why didn't you just come to me? You know im here”

“I couldn’t. I couldn’t be near you”  she mumbled.

I was a bit taken back. So I was the reason she left? I knew I was part of it, but really?

“Well then. Why did you even come back if  you cant be around me? Sorry  if  I ruined your summer and  made you want to leave. All I ever done is try to make you happy, I even told you how I felt.” I was started to get mad.

“ Jeez Tam you really know how to break someones heart. Im sure you felt a lot better after doing the same to Danny.”

“No I didn’t”  she tried to  speak in between my rant. I couldn’t stop, weeks of  feeling  like dirt and hurting had built up and It wanted out. 

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now