James Dean & Audrey Hepburn

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Chapter 37

Kellin pov

Honestly, 'cause I could sing you a song

But I don't think words can express your beauty…

“Kellin!, Kellin”  I was singing  to myself as I walked back to  by  bus when  someone  came  running up calling my name.

Stopping to turn around I noticed  Jaime jogging  over with a smile plastered on his face.

“Jaime!! Hows it going, buddy?”

When he  reached me he was out of breath. 

“Man, Ive been looking everywhere for  you “ saying breathless.

“Me? Is  something wrong?” .

“No , no just making sure you and the guys are coming tomorrow.”  finally catching his breath. A toothy  grin now  placed on his face showing his  dimples.

“Yes sir!  We wouldn’t miss it  for the world. Its at 9  right? Need us to bring anything?”

“just yourselves and  I guess more booze the merrier!”  he said laughing a bit.

“Alright man, cant wait.”  

Tomorrow  we were throwing a surprise birthday party for Tammy. Inviting a bunch of the bands  from Warped. My  band was coming, Memphis may fire, the Used, Austin and  Alan  from OM&M, Beau was coming with his wife Lights and a ton more. And she didn’t suspect a thing. Jaime and I talked for a bit, I asked  if she was doing  better since she collapsed on the hike and  how  Vics new girls friend was a pain in the ass. We  parted ways and I made my way back to my bus.  I started humming again when I heard someone sobbing.

“Tammy?”  I stood peering over the corner of a  bus that was parked before mine.

“Kellin?” she looked up from her hands, surprised.  Tear marks running down her cheeks. Why was she crying? And why did she have her luggage with her?

“Tammy, whats wrong?”  walking towards her to pull her into a hug. “Are you  going somewhere?”

“Kellin ,  I .. I cant take it anymore.”

I shushed her pulling her in tighter. Then  walked  her in my direction back to my bus pulling her  bag behind us. We went inside   I sat her down and  went to get her a  box of tissues and something to drink.


“Thanks” she replied, in a low voice.

“Now, whats wrong baby girl?”

“Ashley, she threatened me, shes the one who pushed me when we were racing. No one knows, its not like I can tell them.  Especially Vic, he wont believe me. She bit him with her  venom and now hes  under her spell”  Tammy sat there and just let everything out.  My brain slowly processed everything she had just told me.

“Vic and I arent even friends, we cant be friends. She told me to leave, said he thinks im crazy and too sick.I dont  blame  him,  look at me  Kellin. Im a wreack.”

This Ashley girl was insane.  Vic had never said anything  like that. She was feeding everyone lies.

“Vic never said that about you. Trust me. Tammy  this girl needs to go to a  psycho ward. I cant  believe she  pushed you, when I see this  bitch I'm going to give her what  she deserves.  You arent a wreck, you just need a good  nights sleep”  I was  mad.  Ashley needed to leave my friends alone.

“No use, she'll just find a way to  sabotage you too. Im done trying. Im moving in with Danny, or maybe ill just stay at my grandmas and  buy a ticket back home”

“No, you cant leave. I cant  go through with Warped without my  Tammy  bear”  I  pouted like a  child. receiving a  small giggled from Tam.

“Kellin, its not like I want to go. But im going to have a nervous break down soon.Or its starting,  i dont  even  know anymore.”

“listen, let me talk some sense into Vic. Ill get him to dump her.  You just relax and tomorrow I promise , will be better.” I smiled,  I couldn’t wait for tomorrow.  I wanted to see her  smile, for her face to light up like it did when I first met Tam.  She was always so happy, but I watched her change  as these stupid fights went on.

She nodded her head taking the last sips of her drink.


Sorry its kind of short lol... nxt one will be  longer :)

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