Evening star trip

616 22 17

3rd person POV:

The S.S Dawn was ready to begin her voyage to save the solar system from organization Crescent who wish to force their will onto everyone.

With the small crew consisting of Captain Trudian, First mate Foxtrot, Second mate Tango, Third mate Julia, head scientist, and Gear engineer Nexel, and Ace pilot Direx.

With the situation as it is, they couldn't get anyone useful on earth to come along.

That however did not dishearten the crew. So with the Solar gear loaded on board along with a few weapons for it, Venus was in their sights, as the first planet of their long journey.

(Opening theme)

The ship was large and empty if you didn't count the drones on the vessel. Because of this, everyone was mostly on the bridge.

Yn: So... Venus. What are we going to get up to over there?

Cynthia: We will assess the situation and go from there.

Yn: Wing it, got it.

Cynthia: No. We're going to assess the situation, then make a plan.

Yn: Sounds like winging it to me.

Cynthia:... Aibella, learn anything new about our solar gear?

Aibella: Why yes. It can obviously withstand a tremendous amount of heat, so beam-based weapons shouldn't be able to do any serious damage.

Aibella: Besides knocking it around.

Aibella: But the armor itself might have trouble with solid weapons, given enough force is put behind it.

Yn: What is enough force?

Aibella: As it is right now. A railgun could probably pierce the armor and do a large amount of damage.

Aibella: I suggest while Solas is on fire, you avoid getting hit, for that's when you're armor will be at its weakest.

Juliet: So it's power in exchange for defense.

Aibella: That's a good analogy.

Ron: How do we repair it, if it gets damaged?

Cynthia: That's probably going to happen a lot if Yn is the pilot.

Yn: Hey-...fine, you have a point.

Aibella: Juliet, can you pull up Solas's x-ray I sent you.

Juliet: Of course. Just one moment.

A holographic screen then came, showing a rough view of Solas's outer and inner design.

Aibella: Does anyone know what Solas is missing compared to other gears?

Yn: A... Gun?

Aibella: No.

Ron: Maintenance hatches?

Aibella: 2 points.

Cynthia: Wait, if it's missing maintenance hatches, then how are you supposed to fix it if it breaks?

Aibella: I'm working on that, but I don't think we have to. I believe Solas can self-repair.

Jacklin: Can you prove that?

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