Law of Victory: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Yn and Luna found the eclipse gears, Quasar and Blazar, floating as they faced the planet, Mars, like philosophers contemplating the meaning of life.

Receiving a call from the eclipse gears, they answered to hear the voice of Dyson.

Dyson:(coms) There was once a philosopher that asked the question... "When should humanity stop?"

Dyson:(coms) I don't understand the question, for humanity has no built purpose, so what exactly should they stop doing?

Yn:... Ya know... People usually start a conversation with hello rather than a complex philosophical about the purpose of human existence.

Dyson:(coms) I am not what you call "people".

Luna: Then what are you? Another monstrosity of human hubris?

Dyson:(coms) Yes, but not like Saiko.

Luna: Care to elaborate?

Dyson:(coms) I am what Aiba warned you about.


Luna: Is he referring to the Jupiter Brain?

Yn: I don't know! Aibella, are you hearing this?

Aibella:(coms) I am and don't like it... Get more out of him!

Yn: Dyson, are you admitting to being the Jupiter Brain?

Dyson:(coms) Yes.


Luna:(mind) What game is he trying to play!? Why just admit it?

Yn: Wasn't really expecting you to just come out and say it...

Dyson:(coms) I know... That is why I said it.

Yn: Hm?

Dyson:(coms) There is nothing that I do for no reason.

Luna: Then what reason did you tell us?

Dyson:(coms) To prove a theory.


Dyson:(coms)... You see, I'm incomplete, I lack the proper power source to reach my full intellectual peak as a true superintelligence.

Dyson:(coms) That has stopped me from completing my task.

Dyson:(coms) So I created this situation.

Luna: Created this situation? Did not know, floating in space was considered creating.

Dyson:(coms) You misunderstood... I meant that I am the reason, these Gear are here.

Yn: No... Pretty sure a mommy AI and a daddy AI loved each other very much... Unless... Aibella did you cheat?

Aibella:(coms) Of course not! Now get him to explain.

Dyson:(coms) I will.

Aibella:(coms) How did you-!?

Dyson:(coms) Hacking is simple, even in my state.

Dyson:(coms) Now... Back to the topic at hand.

Dyson:(coms) Lunar Gear pilot, do you honestly believe it was fate that brought you together with your Gear?

Luna:... No...

Dyson:(coms) It was I who brought you two, together.

Yn: Huh? But her ship just happened to crash on Lunas's meteor.

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