The Soul that ignited

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3rd person POV:

After convincing Captain Trudian to allow her to leave, Aibella took a shuttle and left the S.S Dawn.

Making the tracker show she was somewhere else, Aibella went away from the Solar System, eventually after many hours, finding a cold meteor.

Aibella: So they didn't get this one... Makes sense. He didn't launch himself through the solar system like his show-off brother...

Aibella: Yet he did allow a freaking activist to pilot him...

Aibella:(sigh)... Time to get to work.

While she quickly proceeds to fulfill her plan, the rest of the Crew on the S.S Dawn observed from a safe distance as Saiko destructively took on the Crescent forces on Neptune.

(Opening theme)

The Soul that ignited: Yn's awakening.

Yn's narration:

Well after hearing all of that, how can I deny you my story?

It ain't really that tragic as yours, but... I should at least give you a story as meaningful as yours...

So let me tell you a tale of how my soul began burning with passion!







As a baby, I was abandoned on the doorstep of an orphanage, not even a day out of the womb had passed from what I was told.

I don't know if you've ever seen an earth orphanage but the way they work is each city takes some of their funds and either builds or refurbishes an apartment complex.

Each kid then gets this small little box to live in with the only other room being the bathroom.

Along with the apartment, there was at least one Nanny which wasn't a real person mind you, it was an android.

It knew how to raise and handle children based on all sorts of science shenanigans.

Orphanages don't get much use these days, because not a lot of people ditch their kids or need to adopt kids.

But ya know... Accidents to the parents happen, and some can't have children...

Anyway, let me tell you the special thing about my orphanage.

It was complete shit!

The worse one of them all.

Everything about it was passable to the rich city standards I was raised in.

"Saint Heartfilia Orphanage" it was called. But the sign kept glitching out, so usually, it read "aint filia phan".

And the Caretaker bot stationed there was missing a large chunk out of its fake cheek which revealed its mechanical parts.

Instead of repairing or replacing it, some asshole just put an anime girl mask on her and called it a day.

To top it all off, I was the only kid in the damn place.

Which I guess wasn't all that bad, got the full care of the caretaker which I called Nea for some reason...

Nea was the one who gave me the last name Direx.

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