Eclipse rising: part 1

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3rd person POV:

A little over a week has passed since the events at Uranus.

Though they didn't know it, both Yn and Luna were evenly upset at what happened, though, for different reasons.

Yn was upset over Saiko's betrayal and how Luna ended the fight even though she possessed the clear advantage.

Luna on the other hand was upset at the existence of Saiko for some reason and the knowledge of Nexstar plotting something didn't sit right with her.

There were now three parties heading for the Neptune moon city of Neso.

Luna, Saiko, and Yn with his crew.

Not much was sure, other than once they all arrived, something will occur

(At Nexstar Neso City warehouse)

Aiba: Eclipse² project complete. Commencing with testing.

(Opening theme)

In the gym of the S.S Dawn, Yn intensely trained his body to the best of his abilities with Ron who trained him in combat.

Ron: How you holding up?

Yn: What do you mean?

Ron: About the Eclipse pilot switching sides?

Yn: Pissed off, but whining about it won't get me anywhere, I need to get more skilled if I'm to beat Luna's ass into the ground!

Yn: And as Aibella said, Saiko isn't probably on Luna's side either.

Ron: Right, she's with Nexstar industries.

Ron: But what do you think they are trying to do?

Yn: How should I know?!

Yn: I don't know what they want whatsoever.

Yn: All I know is, that unless Solas can magically evolve, I need to train myself to make sure I can beat Luna on my own.

Yn: Without, Saiko's help.

Ron:... Then raise your fist.

Yn:(raises fist) Don't hold back.

The two continue to train for a couple of more hours, until Ron is called back to the bridge, leaving Yn to take a shower.

A day later, the S.S Dawn arrived in the near vicinity of the Neptune moon City of Neso.

The crew had sent Yn and Ryuka in the Freyja to enter the city and investigate.

Yn: Are you always topless in here?

Ryuka: My Gear, my dress code. I get to wear whatever I want.

Yn: Why do you have a dress code if you are not wearing something?

Ryuka: Listen, going shirtless is just a habit I got when I was young.

Yn: How do you get that kind of habit?

Ryuka: My family owns a farm. They do things pretty old school. That's how I got this habit that you apparently find weird.

Yn: Listen, it's not just me.

Ryuka: Whatever, kid. You probably also have habits you picked up from your parents.

Yn: Heh, what you see before you, is a man who became who he is through the sheer desire of becoming like that.

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