Saturn incursion: part 1

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3rd person POV:

With Cynthia showing off her piloting skills and expertly defeating The Zeus in Gear combat, the crew of S.S Dawn gained the respect of Theo who finally accepted their aid.

Now in the war room, Theo, the one put in charge after the kidnapping of Jupiter's leader, began explaining how the Crew could help.

Theo: Our spies on Saturn, say that the battle against Crescent isn't going so well.

Theo: In fact, they are most likely going to have the planet under their control in a few days now.

Yn: Looks like we're going on the front lines and taking the battle to them. I'm getting fired up!

Cynthia: Are you insane?

Ryuka: What we've been fighting are large squads of Crescent who didn't have the full resources of the entire group.

Ryuka: There is no way we can take on the front lines of an army able to take over multiple nations.

Yn: Not with that attitude!

Cynthia: How would attitude change anything?

Yn: It can change something.

Jacklin: Anyway... Theo, continue.

Theo: As I was saying... Saturn is going to be taken over any day now, which from there they will come at us.

Theo: Jupiters army is standing at the ready to fight against the Crescent.

Theo: But I believe there is a way to win the war much faster.

Jacklin: Hmmm...

Theo: You lot, will sneak onto Pluto which the masked madam has turned into her own personal fortress.

Theo: There, you can take Crescent out from its very core.

Jacklin: Intreating plan. We might be able to save the leaders as well.

Theo: You might be able to steal her Lunar Gear as well.

Jacklin: We don't know if that's possible. If it works anything like the Solar Gear, then...

Yn: Then there's only one way to find out!

(Opening theme)

Valkyrie in the stealth cloak and Freyja in stealth mode was slowly floating towards Pluto, inside the two Gear were three pilots.

Ryuka was alone in her Gear, while Yn sat with Cynthia in her Gear. There wasn't much room, so Yn was stuck sitting in Cynthia's lap.



Yn: This is SO not cool. Why couldn't we go with Solas?

Cynthia: Because there's a chance Solas and Lunas can sense each other as Aibella said?

Yn: That's just an excuse the captain is using to not use Solas.

Cynthia: She has her reasons which are never clouded by biased.

Cynthia: So don't blame her.

Yn: Fine... But that doesn't make me feel any less like a kid sitting on his mom's lap!

Cynthia: That may partially have to do with you still being a kid.

Yn: I'm 18, why does everyone keep saying that I'm a kid!? I'm legally an adult.

Cynthia: Fine, you're legally an adult but that doesn't make you a man.

Cynthia: 18 is the start of adulthood, where you are given the freedom to make your own decisions to figure out what kind of adult you want to be.

Yn: I still don't get why I am called a kid.

Cynthia: Because you're a hot-headed punk who thinks they can get through anything life throws at them with a flaming passion.

Yn: That's because I can.

Cynthia: The solar system isn't that simple.

Cynthia: You have to face reality sometimes and realize you can't do something. That's the only way to move on.

Yn:... That's a morbid way of thinking. Is that really how you adults think?

Cynthia: It's at least how I've come to view the system in my time living in it.

Yn: Well that won't be how I will do things. Mark my words, I'll prove your way of thinking false.

Cynthia: Whatever kid.

Yn: Now switch places with me, I want to pilot!

Cynthia: No way, this is my Gear, my rules. And rule one is that I pilot it. Besides, you have your own Gear.

Yn: Not with me!

The trio continued to float towards the Crescent fortress, Pluto. Its chilling and commanding presence stood in front of their view of Saturn.

Veering near the ship docking bay, Yn exited Valkyrie and entered Pluto with Cynthia.

Ryuka in the meantime went off to the docking bay on the opposite side of Pluto and entered from there.

Both bays were void of people, the only thing in them being the ships belonging to the leaders of the system.

Cynthia: This place is as big as a large town. Best to split up.

Yn: Divide and conquer. Right.

Separating on different paths, Yn and Cynthia scoured Pluto along with Ryuka.

Casually walking with a bare minimum aura of caution, Yn waltzed his way into the cafeteria of Pluto.

It was completely empty, but Yn did notice a plate of food and drink prepared on a table.

Curious, he walked up and saw it was meatloaf, with a side of carrot salad with some hot chocolate as the beverage at the ready.

Placing his hand near the food, Yn felt the warmth emanating from the meat and the drink.

Yn: Warm...?

Yn:(mind) If it's warm that means someone was here recently... Was it Luna?

Yn:....(mischievous chuckle)

Ryuka entered a jailing area that Luna had converted into a dungeon. There she found all the leaders in an unconscious, beaten up, status.

She attempted to get them out, only to find that all the doors into the cells were damaged in such a way that they couldn't be opened anymore.

Without the ability to bend reinforced metal by hand, Ryuka would need to come back with a plasma saw to cut open the cells.

Ryuka: Are any of you awake?

???: Ugh...


Her eyes laid upon the leader of Neptune.

Ryuka: My name is Ryuka Chuma. I'm part of the U.S.R.A.P.U. I'm unable to break you out, but I will return.

Ryuka: Until then, can you tell me anything about what they have been doing to you all and why?

Neptune leader:... They... They made us confess...

Ryuka: Confess? To what exactly?

Neptune leader: It all...our greed...Neso...has the proof...

Ryuka: Neso...? Do you mean the city?

They fall back into unconsciousness, leaving Ryuka to leave and try and find more information.


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