Red but not Dead

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3rd person POV:

Inside a hospital bed, laid a very sick woman attached to many types of machinery which kept her alive and left her suffering to a minimum.

(Tiffany Vonford)

CEO of Nexstar industries, Decardo Vonford then entered the room to visit his wife

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CEO of Nexstar industries, Decardo Vonford then entered the room to visit his wife.

Decardo: Hello, dear.

Tiffany: Hm...?

Taking a seat next to her, Decardo turns on the television.

Decardo: I know how the Crescent issue and the whole sun and moon gears have got you all so worried.

Decardo: But there is no need to worry about any of that anymore.

Tiffany turns her attention to the television to see a Nexstar commercial for the eclipse gears.

Tiffany turns her attention to the television to see a Nexstar commercial for the eclipse gears

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TV: With these two Gear piloted by the greatest pilot the system has ever seen...

TV: These Crescent plaguing our solar system will soon be a long-forgotten memory.

TV: Including the Gears that have orchestrated this whole event simply to battle.

Lunas and Solas then appear on the screen, fighting amongst each other.

The screen then changed showing their defeat at Saiko's hands.

TV: Nexstar industries. We build the future.

Tiffany:(weak smile) I...I can always rely on do what's right.

Decardo:... Yes... What's right.

Decardo:(mind) I'll do whatever is necessary to save you... Even if it means helping the devil I built.

(Opening theme)

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