The Link is here: part 3

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3rd person POV:

Yn and Luna stood up against the link series gears in their human android bodies to get their Gears back.

Prepared for a brawl, the two were about to attack until Aibella appeared and bonked all five of them out of anger that they left her to do something on her own.

They were all put to work, besides the king who went to sit on the couch.

Rightfully being confused, Aibella revealed herself to be Aiba Nexstar, the artificial intelligence created by Azrexel's old pilot and the founder of Nexstar industries, Tony Nexstar.

(Aiba aka Aibella Nexel)

(Aiba aka Aibella Nexel)

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Yn:... Eh?

Luna: Aiba...? That means you're the AI that Nexstar Industries use!

Aibella: No, I was the AI they used, but after I took my husband and his siblings, then hid them here, Nexstar industries just made a replica of me.

Aibella: A hollow copy, nothing more.

Conner: Yeah! No one is better than mommy!


She picks up Conner.

Aibella:(smiles) That's right, my perfect little sweetheart.

Aibella then nuzzles Conner's nose with her own.

Aibella: Nuzzle nuzzle nuzzle nuzzle nuzzle~


Yn/Luna:(look at one other, confused)


Rex: Stop babying him.

Aibella: I have not gotten to see him in several months, I will "baby" him as much as I want!

Rex:(rolls eyes) Ugh...

Aibella: You're just jealous that you can't do it anyway. Isn't that right, Conner?

Conner: Yeah!

Aibella:(smug look) See?


Luna: As pleasant as it is to witness this reunion, we have several questions that we request that they be answered!

Aibella: Right, right...

Aibella: Where should we start?

Yn: How about... The beginning?

Luna: Yes. Let's go chronologically.

Aibella: Okay, fair enough. Guess I should ease you two in before getting to the important stuff...

Aibella: Take a seat.

Begrudgingly, Yn and Luna take a seat on the couch with Azrexel. They all glared at each other before Aibella began explaining after putting Conner in the pilot simulation training to play so he wouldn't hear.

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