Crescent-dite: part 1

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3rd person POV:

The S.S Dawn was nearing the Venus orbiting capital, Aphrodite. Until they received a message from the neighboring city.

Juliet: Incoming transmission.

Jacklin: Put it through.

A holographic screen popped up showing the face of a middle-aged man.

Jacklin: This is Captain Jacklin Trudian, of the U.S.R.A.P.U. Whom am I speaking with?

Man:(coms) I am mayor Roc. Aphrodite has been compromised! Dock into my city.

Yn: How do we know this guy's telling the truth?


Ron: We've been hit by Aphrodite's asteroid blaster.

Yn: Never mind, let's crash in the old man's city, seem's legit.

Jacklin: Prepare to take us in, Mayor!

Roc:(coms) Right away.

(Meanwhile inside Aphrodite)

On top of a building, a woman stared out the dome covering the city to see the S.S Dawn turn to dock towards the neighboring city.


???: Can't get distracted...

Turning around she looks across the building she was on towards what looked like a mayor's or president's office.

Pointing a finger gun at it, she began talking to herself.

???: I have to aim...and fire.

(Opening theme)

Docking in the neighboring city to Aphrodite, the crew of the S.S Dawn was met with Mayor Roc and his guards.

Roc: Captain.

Jacklin: Mayor.

Roc: Why have you come to Venus?

Jacklin: We're dealing with an ever-growing threat. Our leaders may be gone, but our connection cannot be lost if we are to fight against it.

Jacklin: We are here to re-establish the earth and Venus's connection.

Roc: You want us to help fight Crescent?

Jacklin: Yes.

Roc: I'm afraid anything like that is not possible under our current situation, which requires our full attention.

Jacklin: Then inform us of your situation. As U.S.R.A.P.U members, it's our job to give aid to the nations in times of trouble.

Roc: Very well. Follow me.

The captain, Cynthia, and Yn followed while the rest stayed at the ship.

The mayor then led them to a war room of sorts. Dark, and condensed, there was a single hologram projecting table, lighting up the room.

The table was projecting a model of the capital.

Roc: Crescent has taken over Aphrodite and lock themselves in the city.

Yn: So? Just bust in there like their adults watching underaged porn.

Cynthia: That's a good point. But if you haven't done that, then there must be a reason.

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