Friends as Foes: part 2

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3rd person POV:

As Yn fights against the Crescent army Dyson stole from Luna, the mask madam herself was stuck with both Valkyrie and Freyja, the ladder of which was still in her hold.

Valkyrie with her shield in blade mode charged forward towards the two. Based on Lunas's calculations, Valkyrie was going to stab Freyja straight through the cockpit.


Dashing to the side in the nick of time, Lunas saved the struggling Freyja from getting impaled and losing Ryuka, but the battle was far from over, as Valkyrie continued her aggression.

Luna: If these two are useful pawns, then why are you trying to get them to kill each other!?

Through Freyja, Dyson answered the mask madam's question.

Dyson:(broadcasting) With the reason for their actions revealed, this is why they are useful.

Dyson:(broadcasting) There is an 89% chance you will not kill them.

Dyson:(broadcasting) And having them get rid of each other will only lessen the number of foes in my way.

Luna:(sarcastically) What impeccable logic...

Lunas tried to fire at Valkyrie with his dusk rifle but with Freyja struggling, it was impossible to land a hit.

And after Freyja almost got the two of them hit by Valkyrie, Luna had enough.

Lowering her Gears temperature and engulfed Lunas in his icy aura, Luna froze Freyja solid, making her task easier on herself.

Luna: Should have done this from the beginning...

She shatters the head off of Freyja and leaves her to drift while she rushed toward Valkyrie who began ignoring her to try and kill Ryuka, but Lunas forced her attention onto him.

Meanwhile, Yn was surrounded by Dyson's Crescent puppets.

Yn: How did you not noticed these guys till they were up in my face!?

Aibella:(coms) They were clocked, okay?

Yn: Not okay! Every time I smash one apart, 5 more takes their place!

Jacklin:(coms) He's on our territory. Which means reinforcements are on their way.

Yn: Ugh! Is one thing after another!

Yn: The eclipse gears, Dyson, now this!

Solas Dawn of Victory, has his wings detach and link up to his arms. Now with burning blades, he commences with his burning assault by cutting through his opponents like a hot knife through butter.

Yn: I can feel my rage growing... My blood boiling over as my very soul burns for this madness to end.

Slicing a Gear in half, Solas kicks the two halves at a group of opponents delaying them enough for him to get close and shove his blades into them.

With two Gears skewered on his blades, Solas holds them out on both sides, using them as Gear shields against the attacking forces.

Yn: Hey, Solas, any chance we can get to see your old man in action?

Yn: It would be really convenient right now!

"Doubt it." Was his response.

Yn: Hmm... Remind me to tell him he's a couch potato that needs to stop shining his katana...

A chibi Solas appears on his screen, writing on a notepad.


Aibella:(coms) Focus!

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