Crescent-dite: part 3

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3rd person POV:

Temporarily joining up with the U.S.R.A.P.U trio, Ryuka took the three to a much more safer location, where they would be able to talk amongst each other.

Keeping her distance, Ryuka sat on a convenient table.

Ryuka: So you three really U.S.R.A.P.U?

Holding out her smart device, Captain Trudian revealed her credentials which The Hot Shot inspected.

Jacklin: I'll be taking lead on this operation from henceforth. So inform me of your plans.

Ryuka: Tch... I have rerouted power from a few buildings to my gear. I'm going to draw out and shoot the leader with a pinpoint shot.

Cynthia: You have a gear? Where is it?

Ryuka:(looks up)

Cynthia: You cloaked it on top of the roof?

Ryuka: The last place they expect a Gear to be.

Cynthia: Still... If it's constantly cloaked it must be quite hot in there.

Ryuka: Eh. The heat never bothered me, anyway.

Yn: Hold on, I don't get why you need extra power from other buildings?

Ryuka: The leader of the Crescent who has taken over Aphrodite, is staying tucked away in the president's building.

Ryuka: They're only going to come out, once they have completely modified a Gear they stole.

Yn: What kind of Gear?

Ryuka: Cypris, Venus's pride and joy of a Gear. It's extremely high on defense. That's why I needed to pack some extra punch.

Jacklin: So if we were to draw out this leader, then you could end it in one shot?

Ryuka: I can get rid of their defense, I can guarantee that.

Jacklin: In that case... Yn.

Yn: Yeah?

Jacklin: Draw out Venus's pride and joy.

Yn:(grinning) Aye Aye Captain!

(Meanwhile, in the presidential office)

A woman sat behind the president's desk, watching the final touches being added to the Venus Gear, Cypris.

(Crescent Venus general: Mary Peitho)

(Crescent Venus general: Mary Peitho)

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Mary: Hm-hm... The armor should be enough to get that Solar gear Luna wanted.

Mary: It will definitely help the cause against the corporations who dared try to withhold technology.

Mary: I can see it now... Them screaming as Crescent crushes those clods to the ground...hehehe...

Mary: I wonder if Miss Luna will leave me in charge of Venus?

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