Mercury Business: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Aibella and Ryuka sat across the advanced artificial intelligence made by Nexstar industries to help run the business, Aiba.

Aibella and Ryuka sat across the advanced artificial intelligence made by Nexstar industries to help run the business, Aiba

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Aiba: What kind of business do you wish to conduct?

Aibella: This.

She brings out a smart device that projects what the captain wanted from Nexstar industries.


Aiba: In accordance with the Majesty's System Peace Regulations, Rule 10.

Aiba: "Independent contractors, companies and other none military organizations are not allowed to develop or advance weaponry.

Aiba: Unless granted permission, in which case all blueprints for said weapons are made public knowledge."

Aiba: Along with that, Nexstar industries doesn't give away its secrets.

Aiba: Sorry for not being able to aid you.

Aibella: Hold on, I have this.

She swipes to a different page. Revealing a pardon for said rule, allowing them to make weapons while not requiring to reveal the blueprints for said weapons, letting them keep their secrets.

Aiba: You should have simply shown this at the start.

Aibella: So how much?

Aiba:... You can't afford it.

Ryuka: What? We're government-funded. We can afford anything.

Aiba: The governments that fund you are mostly all shut off from each other, leaving you dry in the currency department.

Aiba: That leaves us in a paradoxical state, where if we give you the products and you lose the battle, we gain nothing.

Aiba: But if we do not give you the product, you will most certainly lose, and we'll gain nothing.

Ryuka: Now what?

Aibella: She's going to tell us what she wants.

Aiba: Correct. We know about the Solar Gear. In exchange for its blueprints, we shall supply you with all your needs for the fight against Crescent.

Aibella:... Sadly we don't have any useful blueprints of that Gear. And we don't have time to give it to you for study.

Aiba: I see.


Aiba: Then give us a three-dimensional model of the Gear.

Aibella: A 3D model?

Aiba: With its exact dimensions.


Aibella: What are you going to do with that?

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