(Epilogue): Setting for a new rise

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3rd person POV:

(3 months later)

With the defeat of Dyson and the Eclipse Gear, the system was able to return to peace.

Re-establishing a connection between each other, the planets work to find themselves, new leaders.

The retired Captain Jacklin Trudian was considered for the position of Earth leader, but whether or not she'll take it is up for debate.

Currently, she seems happy with a normal life with her girlfriend, Captain Cynthia Foxtrot who took her place at the helm of the S.S Dawn with her mates, Juliet and Ron.

Ryuka Chuma, the famous soldier, and markswoman, after losing her arm got a prosthetic, paid for her by her nation for her service.

She decided to take a little break and go home and get used to the prosthetic as her leg heals as well. But she did promise to one day make her "flashy" return to the Olympics at least.

After the battle with Dyson, the whole truth about Aibella actually being Aiba the AI made by Nexstar came out along with the fact that the link series Gears were still alive and autonomous.

That brought up a storm of issues that the law system was unable to deal with.

So what happened was, with the current state of the system and the lack of laws with artificial intelligence of that caliber, Decardo was luckily let off the hook and not sentenced to prison, however, he did have to step down as CEO and perform 1000 days of community service.

In his place, a woman named Adriana Bella took the role of CEO of Nexstar Industries.

Currently, the plan was to "capture" Aiba and the link series, but when Dyson was defeated, Aibella, Azrexel along with the Jupiter Brain, disappeared to an unknown location.

But there was still a little bit of hope in getting them.

That hope laid with the Solar Gear Solas and the Lunar Gear Lunas.

Lunas was still in the hands of the mask madam, Luna who currently was on the run, refusing to give up her Gear until they make it so what happened to her could never happen again.

Solas in the meantime was locked up in a hanger away from Yn who without a home was left to roam the city he started in.

Of course, his crewmates allowed him to stay at their places, and he did receive payment for being a part of that Crew, yet to him, something was missing.

Back where he started, Yn felt as hollow when he was a child.

The orphanage he grew up in had long since been torn down and made into a park, so he couldn't go back and reminisce.

Sitting alone on a bench in that park where his orphanage once stood, Yn, the new ace pilot who had left his mark on history was deep in thought.


Joining him was Cynthia, who came to sit beside him.

Cynthia: How are you holding up?

Yn:... Fine.

Cynthia: You don't seem that enthusiastic, are you sure.


Cynthia: If you're feeling lonely, you can join my new crew. I would love to have you.

Yn: I would like that... If I can have Solas with me. And maybe Luna could join.

Cynthia: You know I can't decide that. And Luna is technically a criminal.

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