Uranus pit stop: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Ryuka: This is unexpected... The people all look fine.

She commented after seeing the state the Crescent have left Uranus.

Jacklin: Fascinating...so this is the type of organizations Crescent is.

Ryuka: Captain?

Jacklin: Give me a moment.

Without reluctance, Captain Trudian walked up to a random civilian and garnered their attention.

Jacklin: Excuse me? Sir?

Man: Huh?

Jacklin: May I ask you something?

Man: Uh... Are you a cop?

Jacklin: You're not in trouble sir, I simply wish to learn your thoughts about something.

Man: A-alright...?

Jacklin: What are your thoughts about Crescent?

Man: My thoughts about Crescent?

Man: Well let's see... They did cause a large racket when they came, but after they won, they started fixing everything.

Jacklin: Everything? What do you mean by that?

Man: You know... Buildings, and military bases... They're even giving everyone a tax-free year as apologies for their little attack.

Jacklin: Tax-free year?

Man: I'm not really sure how that works... But tax-free is tax-free. And who's gonna fight them to have taxes?

Jacklin: Fair enough... Is there something you don't like about them?

Man: Uhh... Well, they're keeping all the surrendered military officers prisoner. That's kind... Bad.

Man: My cousin's fiance is one of them, but it's not I liked them...

Jacklin: Hmm... Thank you for your time.

Man: Uh, no problem... Hey, you're kinda cute, maybe you want to go-

Ignoring the man the captain walks away.

Man:(lowers head) Nevermind...bye.

Returning to her team who stood in an alleyway, she was greeted by Ryuka and watched by Saiko.

Ryuka: So what did you learn from the poor guy?

Jacklin: I believe I've come to understand Crescent much more than before.

Ryuka: What do you understand about them?

Jacklin: That they are the type of people who are not against using violence but don't actively seek to cause it.

Jacklin: Innocents are not their targets so any harm they do to them, they will attempt to reconcile with them.

Jacklin: At least that is how I interpret their ways based on what I've learned.

Saiko: How is this information relevant to your mission?

Jacklin: It gives me a better idea of how to face them from here on out.

Saiko: They are your enemy. Destroying them is the simplest solution.

Ryuka: Spoken like a true mindless soldier.


Jacklin: We're leaving. I've seen enough.

Ryuka: Should we bring back a souvenir?

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