Mercury Business: part 3

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3rd person POV:

Luna the masked madam stared at the Solar Gear through the holographic call she had the Crescent set up.

Through the call, she spoke to the pilot of Solas.

Luna:... Tell me your name.

Yn:(on call) Yn Direx, and don't you forget it.

Luna: When we finally meet face to face, Yn, it will be on the battlefield. For with the Solar Gear on your side and the Lunar Gear on mine...

Luna: It is practically destiny that we will fight.

Yn:(on call) I don't know what having these Gears means for us... But if we're fighting...just know, I won't hold back against you.

Luna: Then know this... Neither will I.

She ends the call, the holographic image of Solas disappearing, as she began walking back and forth in her fortress in deep thought.

There was something about what Yn said that echoed into the deepest depths of her mind.

"My burning determination! The fiery emotions that push me to go beyond! Get it now?"

Luna:(mind) There is something about what he said...

(Beep, beep)

The sound of her communication device going off because of a call brought her back to reality.

Answering the call, she found it to be from one of her followers on Uranus in the main battalion to take the planet.

Luna: What is it?

Crescent pilot:(on call) Ma'am! We're having trouble down here, requesting aid!

Luna: Explain, what is happening.

Crescent pilot:(on call) It's a Gear! It's too powerful!

Luna: Give me a moment.

She brings up a holographic screen that shows her the live battle the pilot was talking about.

The Gear that the pilot spoke about drew her attention.

(Sapphire knight: Lancelot)

Observing the battle, Luna watches the battle unfold

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Observing the battle, Luna watches the battle unfold.

Lancelot was quick and powerful. It was able to rip to shreds the grunt Crescent gears fighting it.

It even made it a spectacle, by not letting his soldiers help him. Lancelot made them watch as he fought Luna's Crescent.

Luna: Surround it, fake it out with attacks from all sides. I'll be there shortly.

Crescent pilot:(on call) Thank you, ma'am!

Luna turned to her Gear, Lunas.

Luna turned to her Gear, Lunas

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