Father and son's chat (bonus)

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3rd person POV:

Azrexel in his android body stood on the catwalk which took him to the face level of Solas and Lunas, the twin gears he calls his son's.


Rex: Your pilots are shit.


Rex: They fit the criteria, but they are still shit.


Turning to Lunas, he begins to speak his mind about his pilot.

Rex: Your pilot is a woman who emotionally distant herself and craves to create what she believes is freedom through battle...

Rex: I don't know why you chose her... I sware if it's because you're like Stegael...

He then follows up by turning to Solas and saying what he doesn't like about Yn.

Rex: And your pilot is a hot-headed stubborn fool who's probably going to get you and himself killed trying to go past a limit he shouldn't.



A holographic screen then popped up, with the words "Like you" written on it.

Rex: Tch!

Rex:(mind) That's why I don't like them...

Rex: You two are such a bother... Getting yourself pilots that are only going to drag you into more trouble than you need to be in.

Rex: You're better off finding new pilots, or simply going off on your own.

A new holographic image then popped up with the word "No" written bodily.

Rex:... Tch.


Rex: Do whatever you want. You two are old enough to make your own damn decisions.

Rex: But if get yourself in trouble because of them, then don't expect me to come bail you two out.

"We know" was their response.

Rex:.... Eh, you know how I feel. Try not to die.

He leaves the twins to their upgrade process.

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