Passionate wisdom

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3rd person POV:

After the battle with the Eclipse Gears near the Mars moon, Phobos, Luna locked herself in her and Yn's shared room, not allowing anyone in, including Yn himself.

Subsequently, after the reveal that Dyson was the Jupiter Brain and that he manipulated Luna's life as Celena in such a way that she became Luna.

Aibella: So what are we going to do with Luna?

She asked herself in front of her twin Gears.

Aibella: Can't really blame her for feeling down... But this can't last now that we know that the enemy is real.

Yn: Don't worry...


Turning around, she saw Yn leaning against a wall in the hanger.

Yn: I'll get her out of her funk... If you can help me get back in my room.

He says as he clenches his fist with vicious anger.

Aibella:... Are you okay?

Yn:... Will, you get me in, or not?


Aibella: Give me a minute.

(Opening theme)

In her office, Captain Jacklin Trudian took a sip of whisky, as she continued to plan out her next course of action when arriving at Earth.

Ron and Juliet did their job and piloted the S.S. Dawn to their homeport, in hopes of putting an end to all this madness they've gone through in the past several months.

Aibella was in the middle of trying to get the door to Yn and Luna's room as the ace pilot himself was preparing to jump into the room.

Silently and sternly, Luna stared out the window of her room while her helmet laid on the table in front of her.

She was stuck contemplating the meaning of all her past decisions now that she knew that she was manipulated into doing so.



The lock on the door released, soon it opened and Yn entered.

Yn: Thanks, Aibella. I'll take it from here.

Closing the door and locking it behind him, he leaned back against the door as he stared at the back of Luna's head for she didn't move an inch at the door opening.

In fact, she didn't need to, she saw Yn's reflection in the window she stared out of.

Luna:... What do you want?

Yn: This my room also, you know? Or did you forget?

Luna:... Go away.

Yn: You have had enough time brooding. So put it on pause until we destroy that Dyson thing.

Luna:... matter what, you wouldn't understand... That thing manipulated me from the beginning.

Luna: Made me lose everything... I thought it would be worth it if I stopped the corruption... I just helped it...

Yn took a few steps forward.

Luna: Now I'm alone... With nothing but the desire for revenge against the machine.

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