The Sun and Moon rise: part 3

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3rd person POV:

On the shoulder of the gears, Yn and Cynthia began talking as they made their way to the cave.

Yn: What do you think is powering it?

Cynthia: Powering what?

Yn: The thing heating the meteor. I'm no super genius, but I know whatever is heating the meteor has to be man-made.

Yn: There's no natural thing that could do this.

Cynthia: True, but until we confirm it,  everything is on the table.

Yn: Even aliens?

Cynthia: Thought your money was on, man-made machine?

Yn: I think it's a man-made machine. I hope it's aliens, that would be so swick.

Yn: Oh, or maybe it's some kind of Aztec space ship?

Cynthia: Were the Aztecs in the space race?

Yn: I think so, they had something to do with space.

Arriving at the "cave" which was really a hole going diagonally down, the group entered it to see what was inside.

Going deeper into the cave, everyone began feeling this intense heat.

Cynthia: Ugh... Whatever is down there is definitely connected to the source of the heat.

Pilot:(coms) At the rate the heat is rising, we're going to have to turn back. Our Gears aren't meant to handle these kinds of temperatures.

Cynthia:... Fine, let's turn back for now.

Yn: What? I can keep going.

Cynthia: Yn-

Yn: I can do it on my own if you want.

He leaps off the Gear and floats down the cave.

Cynthia: Tch, damn it... Never mind, we're going as down as we can. Yn get back here!

Not listening, Yn goes further down the cave, ahead of everyone.

As he looks at the walls of the cave, he notices how it looked like something shot out from whatever is at the end of the cave.

Yn could only guess some kind of laser, perhaps that's what caused Helios to fly out of the sun?

He didn't know, all he could do is continuing onwards, despite the heat that was increasing.

Powering further down, Yn eventually entered an opening despite the others who had already begun to retreat.

The heat began dying down as Yn found something strange which he didn't expect.

In the opening, encased in stone was Gear.

(Gear of Helios)

(Gear of Helios)

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