Crescent-dite: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Covered in a stealth cloak that hid Solas from all types of sensors, with Captain Trudian and First mate Cynthia on the Gear shoulder, Yn slowly flew towards the reserve thruster.

Cynthia: So this is what is like under a stealth cloak? This heat... Feels as if I'm being cooked in an oven.

Jacklin: Bare it out, Cynthia. But I'll confirm this heat is quite something.

Cynthia: Yn, are you sure you're not making things more difficult than they have to be?

Yn:(coms) Hey, this is all the cloak. But if you want to learn the difference, I'll turn up the heat.

Jacklin: There will be no need for that. Simply get us into the thruster before we begin experiencing heatstroke.

Yn:(coms) Aye Aye Captain.

Floating quietly into the intended location, Yn removed the cloak, giving the first mate and Captain some relief from the heat.

Walking further into the thruster, the three discover that a hole has already been broken through the construct.

Yn:(coms) Did someone beat us to it?

Cynthia: It's either was the Hot Shot or the Crescent.

Jacklin: That's unimportant. Simply stay on guard.

Slipping into the hole, Solas began moving through the maintenance halls of Aphrodite city.

(Opening theme)

Inside the city Aphrodite, a woman with orange hair, tanned skin, and wearing a red pilot suit, sneaked through the city, as Crescent-controlled Gears were patrolling the streets.

(Ryuka Chuma)

(Ryuka Chuma)

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Sneaking into a building through an open window, Ryuka saw several people who weren't able to leave due to Crescent.

Most people didn't notice her, except a small few.

Making her way to the cellar, Ryuka looked around, until she eventually found what she was searching for.

The fuse box. Which was the control unit of all the electricity of this building.

Running up to it, she found it to be locked.

Ryuka: How old school...

Ryuka: gun.


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