The Gears before Gears: (bonus)

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Aiba: Hello, my name is Aiba. And today we'll be talking about the first Gears and the war they were made to fight in.

Aiba: I hope hope hope hope hope hope h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-



Aiba: The 3000s are where the first Gears can be traced back to.

Aiba: Our records of the era before the 4000s are quite rough due to the state mars and especially Earth which held most of the history was left in after their war.

Aiba: So what I say may only be 87% true.

Aiba: The prototype Gear was originally made for fun by an engineer.

Aiba: But once war broke out it was mass-produced as a weapon that surprised and confused the enemy.

Aiba: The Gears proved to be surprisingly effective and versatile, despite having...

Aiba: "Many quirks".

Aiba: It didn't take long for both sides of the earth mars war to adopt and quickly evolve the Gear design.

Aiba: The weaponry for the Gears was quite archaic.

Aiba: The first guns fired regular bullets which it could store a pool worth of.

Aiba: But in space battles, they were useless, so makeshift swords and bludgeoning weapons were created for Gears to fight with.

Aiba: There were two turning points in the war. Beam weapons which the Mars faction developed and used to devastate the earth faction.

Aiba: And there were the earth factions anti beam coating which gave them a fighting chance until the nuclear destruction of the old civilization of Earth.

Aiba: The first gears designs started as a humanoid skeleton like a machine that could only work in space.

Aiba: From there they become bulkier walking tanks on the planet.

Aiba: Both were quite smaller.

Aiba: Looking back, you can see how the Gears "evolved" to become taller and more humanoid over the many centuries.

Aiba: Nexstar Industries has a lovely catalog of Gears if anyone wishes to purchase gears from us.

Aiba:(smiles) I promise they are high quality.

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