Harm to Heart

282 15 14

3rd person POV:



Aibella:(mind) Ho boy...always so rough-

Jacklin: Aibella, may I have a word?

Aibella: Huh? Yeah, sure, what do you need?

Jacklin: I need to know if you're hiding something.


Aibella: Why do you think I am?

Jacklin: You've always disliked Nexstar industries, but you've never given me a straight answer as to why.

Aibella: That's because telling you why that is, would involve revealing something about myself.

Jacklin: Is that such a bad thing?

Aibella: It's not like you've revealed a lot about yourself to me.

Jacklin: If I did, would you be more inclined to tell me?

Aibella: That's not the exact reason why I haven't told you.

Jacklin: What do I have to do, to get you to tell me?

Aibella: I need to know, in the worst-case scenario where what I say to you will need to become public knowledge...

Aibella: Would you keep it a secret for me?

Jacklin: Did they make you do something? Whatever it is, I can protect you.

Aibella: I don't need protection, just need to know if you can keep a secret. A big one.


Jacklin: You're asking quite a lot for a secret I don't know.

Aibella: Listen, unless it becomes absolutely necessary, I won't tell you.

Aibella: So if you really want to know, think about what I asked you.

Jacklin: Very well.

(Opening theme)

(Unknown location)

In the strange underground Gear arena, Yn and Luna just had lost their Gears to the legendary red gear, Azrexel.

Yn: Ugh!

With not much of a choice, Luna moved towards Yn, who got back onto his feet with some trouble for he gained some injuries from falling down Azrexel's body after punching him.

Luna: I hope you learned the valuable less of, DO NOT PUNCH A GIANT ROBOT!

Luna: In all honesty, what exactly were you thinking? That your "burning spirit" could overcome a Gear?

Yn: Tch! Quit trying to give me some kind of lecture!

Yn: Doing something is always better than doing nothing, like you!


Yn: Go on... Keep glaring, I'll knock that look and that bucket off your face.

Luna: Are you trying to impress me, with that act? You're in no condition to go up against me.

Yn: Why would I want to impress a bucket-wearing coward, who's too scared to show their face!

Luna: I wear this to be a symbol!

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