The Heart that froze

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3rd person POV:

Entering the bridge, Aibella went up to the captain.

Aibella: I need to take the emergency shuttle out for a spin.

Jacklin: Why?

Aibella: I think I have a way to find Yn.


Cynthia: How?

Aibella: I'm not going to bore you with the science mumbo jumbo which you'll never understand.

Aibella: Can I take a shuttle and go?

Jacklin: Alone?

Aibella: You're going to need all hands on deck if you go against the eclipse Gears.

Jacklin:.... Very well. I trust you. But update me at least every 5 hours.

Aibella: Uh-huh. Don't wait up, on me and don't touch my stuff while I'm gone.

(Opening theme)

The Heart that froze: Birth of Luna

Luna narration:

I was once such a rambunctious child.

Whenever there was something I didn't agree with I would argue and fight against it with such a passion.

I started with silly little things like my bedtime schedule, and as I grew older, I began fighting for more serious subjects, like making a warm home a right to every human being.

Not once did it matter who I was up against, if I didn't agree then there would be a fight.

Even against my own mother who they say I inherited my desire to constantly try to change the world.


Celena: What!? You're really going against me on this!?

Miss Hydel: This little pet sanctuary is where I have to draw the line, my dear.

Miss Hydel: Love, do you honestly believe the taxpayers are going to fund this?

Celena: Only the rich ones who won't even know that they lost a penny.

Miss Hydel: Yes, but a town size place for animals, seems a bit extreme.

Celena: You only think that because you haven't seen a sad puppy hiding in a bush for warmth.

Miss Hydel: Oh... So this is about me and your father not allowing you a pet, is it?

Miss Hydel: Love, you know we're allergic.

Celena: It's much more than that! If you can't see that, then prepare to battle!

Miss Hydel: Don't worry love. I'm preparing for war.

Such a hothead I was...speaking without thinking...acting based on what I believed.

I was like that until my mother became ill.

Type Delta Apoptosis. A sickness where a person's own cells decide to kill themselves off. Being type Delta, it was, supposedly, incurable.

By no means could I accept that, so instead of being with her, a raged throughout the system in search of some kind of cure.

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