Friends as Foes: part 1

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3rd person POV:

Yn and Luna, after falling asleep, woke up, feeling warm, calm, and snug in each other's company.



Still, in the arms of one another, they contemplate whether or not to let go.

Yn:... If we were in school, we'd probably never hear the end of this if someone found out about it.

Luna: Good thing we're not in school then... But if we were... Do you think we would have been friends?

Yn: I'd like to think so.

Yn:... Hey... Do you feel better now?

Luna: Somewhat...

Yn: Then I give the role of rationality back to you.

Luna: Fine. I was better at it anyway.

Luna:... We should probably get something to eat.

Yn: Actually...(slight blush)... Nevermind!

Luna: Hm?

Yn: It's nothing.

Ending the hug, he gets up.

Yn: So... How does this go? Do we never talk about this again or just not in front of others?

Luna: Let's just not talk about this in front of anyone and see from there.

She told him while standing up.

Yn: Cool...

Grabbing her helmet and putting it on, the two then leave to get breakfast.

(Opening theme)

Aibella entered the cafeteria to find Yn and Luna eating together.

Aibella: Interesting... You two seem to be feeling better, yet neither one of you is injured.

Aibella: Did you two... Talk?

Yn: Is that really weird?

Aibella: Kinda. Was there truly no violence?

Luna: He flipped a table.

Aibella: Ah. It all makes sense now.

Aibella: Since I have you here, Luna can you go tell Lunas you're okay after you're done eating?


Luna: Why?

Aibella: He's been worried about you.

Yn: Aw, how sweet.

Luna: Tch... Very well.


Juliet:(P.A system) Pilots! To your Gears! Immediately!


Yn: No rest for us.

Quickly stuffing his face with what was left of his breakfast, Yn and Luna then run off to the hanger.

Getting inside their Gears, Solas was ready to launch while Lunas was still preparing.

Luna: What's taking so long?

A chibi Lunas appeared on her holographic screen.


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