The eight planets (bonus)

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(Chapter talks about the planets)

Aiba: So you've got a job at Nexstar industries and now are given the option to choose which of the eight planets that the company has land on to work at.

Aiba: Then let me explain what each planet is like so you can choose the best place to live in.

Aiba: Let's start with the closest planet to the sun, Mercury.

Aiba: Every planet has cities orbiting them, but what makes Mercury special is what is used for.

Aiba: The planet is one massive mine that has many solar farms. Our company also has permission to test a few things on the planet.

Aiba: Mercury has the most consistent resource gain. The nation generates most of its income by selling the energy from its solar farms.

Aiba: The living conditions there are hot.

Aiba: With how close the planet is to the sun, all the cities are stuck in an endless summer.

Aiba: But if you choose this planet, then you better pack a lot of water, you're going to need it.

Aiba: Now, Venus.

Aiba: Venus is mostly a tourist attraction. Its cities have many aspects that are reminiscent of the cities from days of old.

Aiba: The surface of the planet itself has a similar mine system, but it's mostly used as a test site.

Aiba: Now onto Earth, the plant with the most history of them all.

Aiba: The third planet from the sun, is the birthplace of humanity and where it all began.

Aiba: We all know the story of how the planet was completely scarred after a war with the Mars residents.

Aiba: It took the great genius that started our company, Mister Nexstar himself along with his Red Gear and some friends to fix the planet.

Aiba: They did this by stopping the war between Mars and Earth,  creating peace, and gaining the terraforming technology to heal the planet.

Aiba: The capital of the city may be in orbit now, but many cities still are on earth.

Aiba: While in orbit, the people in the cities work on the future, the cities on the surface work to remember the past which many aspects were lost in the war.

Aiba; This is also where the main HQ of Nexstar industries stands.

Aiba: And next to said HQ where we make the future, we have the Nexstar museum.

Aiba: It is filled with all sorts of interactive models about the story of the Red Gear along with other historical records.

Aiba: Remember, employees can get in free to visit it and can get family and friends discounts.

Aiba: I mentioned Mars, didn't I? Well, let's talk about that.

Aiba: A planet terraformed into a habitable one, the nation in control of it is quite technologically advanced.

Aiba: Earth and Mars, the once enemies are now rivals in who can advance technology the most.

Aiba: Mars is also home to our largest and most advanced technology construction facility.

Aiba: Living on Mars is really not so different from life on earth. Besides a few minor details and the occasional martian calling a Gear a "Cog".

Aiba: So the choice is team Earth or team Mars.

Aiba: Now on to the big boy planet Jupiter.

Aiba: It has one of the largest populations in the solar system. And its cities are also larger than normal.

Aiba: Bigger is better there.

Aiba: But the most important part is the Olympic satellite.

Aiba: A truly massive building that holds all the Olympic games that are held every 5 years.

Aiba: Including the Gear-Olympics, where every nation sends out their best Gear and pilot to fight it out for enjoyment.

Aiba: Fun fact, this tradition started after a fun spar between all the Link series Gears of legend.

Aiba: Now moving onto Saturn.

Aiba: This ringed planet has its cities in its rings, along with a race track.

Aiba: With the largest race track in the solar system, every year a massive race is held where racers fly above the ring.

Aiba: This gives the city dwellers a view similar to a shower of falling stars above their heads.

Aiba: Uranus is one of the planets that has its hydrogen and helium mined to power reactors.

Aiba: Neptune is similar to that however the planet's main focus is astronomy, the research of space outside our solar system.

Aiba: They are heavily into that. Besides that, the only other unique thing about the planet is some of the cities reside on its moons.

Aiba: So choose wisely on which planet you wish to live in before you take the wormhole gates there.

Aiba: This is Aiba, signing off.

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