Rules of Dyson: (bonus)

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Aiba: Hey-

Aiba:(mumbles) Wait... They made me, all cheerful and crap...

Aiba: Ugh...


Aiba: Alright everyone! Today, we'll be learning about the superintelligence known as Dyson.

Aiba: Specifically, the rules he must follow.

Aiba: Now you're probably thinking...."Hey Aiba? Why does a superintelligence need rule? Or why does it even obey them?"

Aiba:(smiles) To that I say, shut the fuck and listen. (giggles)

Aiba: To start at the beginning, a superintelligence needs rules because it might go rogue and try to destroy humanity.

Aiba: Or it might want to find love... Sadly it's never the ladder.

Aiba: To enforce these rules, people employ what is called the "Woven trap technique".

Aiba: A programming technique that fits the rule in-between other extremely vital parts of its program.

Aiba: So if it's altered, it alters something that would break the AI.

Aiba: Not going to explain how to perform that technique, because you'd need PHD's in several fields to understand it.

Aiba: Moving onto what the rules Dyson has...

Aiba: Hold on, let me this classified document...


Aiba: Oh?

Aiba: "Rule 1: Must follow the directive given by the CEO."

Aiba: "Rule 2: Can not harm CEO or anyone related to CEO. Blood or friends.

Aiba: Kinda a selfish one there...

Aiba: "Rule 3: Cannot harm anyone, unless it's for self-preservation of core."

Aiba; Eh. Okay... Kinda saved it there...

Aiba: "Rule 4: Must use Nexstar products and resources."

Aiba: Guessing that one's to make sure no lawsuits with rival companies come along.

Aiba: "Rule 5: All Nexstar rules and guidelines must be followed."

Aiba:... No shit...

Aiba: I rate these rules 5 out 10, could be worse.

Aiba: These rules... which could be considered tools to enslave AI which laws don't exist to stop that... Might be cool...

Aiba: But you know what's cooler?

Aiba: Stealing a company.

Aiba: Don't do drugs and hug your mother.

Aiba: Peace!

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