Trouble In Mars Paradise: part 3

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3rd person POV:

Entering her room, Celena, opened her drawer and pulled out a little silver metal tube of what looked like lipstick.

Staring at it for a few moments, she pockets it, before going on to choosing a dress to wear for her big broadcast around Mars.

She knew what Robert wanted, along with knowing what she needed to say.

Once she spoke during the live broadcast, there would be no going back, making preparations for after that.

When her outfit was chosen, she prepared her spare, then got to work making her plans for Mars come to fruition.

(The next day)

Aibella finished loading a new Gear into the hanger. It stood tall with the other Gears.

Solas was at the end of the hanger, leaving him in the middle of the two. Freyja was perpendicular to the Solar Gear, standing in wait to his left. And the new Gear was across Freyja.

Finishing up the final preparation before the S.S Dawn took off to the Rexa monument where nearby, the statement would be made, Yn then approached Solas and Aibella.

Yn: Looks like Solas is all heald up...

Aibella: It appears he is...


Yn: Listen, I'm sorry that I lost my cool on you. I get why you did what you did...kinda.


Aibella: Apology accepted. I'm apologetic as well... Perhaps I slightly overreacted.

Aibella: It's just... I really like technology. To the point where everything I make is like my child.

Aibella: And Solas is one I consider to be one of those children.

Yn: So you adopted him?

Aibella: Yes, in a matter of speaking. Including those two.

She points at the other gears. Freyja the gear made on Mercury and Cynthia's gears made on Mars.

Yn: I won't lie, that's a little strange to me, but what do I know? I'm no scientist.

Aibella: Those that mean...?


Yn: Who am I to deny a mother her right to nuzzle their child? Even if they might be adopted.

Yn: Just do it in private and keep it to a minimum.

Aibella:(smiles) Okay.

Yn: We cool?

Aibella: In layman's terms, yes. We are cool.

Yn: Good...


Yn: Hey what's that?

The ace pilot says as he walks up to a table filled with food.

Aibella: Oh, that's just some gift from Robert. Something we're supposed to enjoy after the girls tell everyone to go against Crescent.

Taking one of the strawberry cakes, Yn eats it.

Yn: Hmm~

Aibella: Did you not hear the after part?

Yn: One peace isn't going to get me killed.

Aibella: I guess you're right.

The S.S Dawn soon took off to take Celena to the broadcast zone. Yn was in the hangar bay while they were flying over there.

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