The Link is here: part 4

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3rd person POV:

(S.S Dawn)

Floating near the cities of Neptune, the crew watched as Saiko in record time was almost finished with the Crescent forces.

But the cost of the efficiency was a large number of property damage and civilian casualties.


It was difficult to watch, and even more difficult to swallow the fact that they could truly do nothing.

Ryuka: Tch! I can't just stand here and do nothing! Captain, let us go help!


Cynthia: Captain, what do you want us to do?

Tightening her grip over the railing of the table she was leaning on, Jacklin's mind went back to the time her ship was attacked after first taking Solas.


Jacklin: We're leaving.

Ryuka: What!?

Jacklin: I will not send my crew to die against an opponent we clearly don't stand a chance against.

Jacklin: Juliet, tell Aibella to come back to the Dawn. Once we retrieve her, we shall retreat and gather more forces.

Cynthia: Aye Aye Captain!

Cynthia: You all heard her, get to work!

Reluctant as they may be, it would do nobody good if they got themselves kill, so they retreated.

(Meanwhile, in the Box³)

Aibella sat in front of the computer prepared to make notes on how she should modify Solas and Lunas.

But before that, she needed to explain some things.

Aibella: Okay, before we get into modifying my babies, I think it's time you learn a few things about them and what you're up against.

Luna: Like what?

Aibella: The eclipse gears stats.

Aibella: From what I could tell from your battle, the eclipse gears are faster than Solas and Lunas.

Yn: No shit.

Aibella: And, they have denser armor than the twins.

Luna: How did you figure that out?

Aibella: Their armor. Nexstar these days don't color their gears unless hired to do.

Aibella: Nexium becomes darker the more refined it is. White being natural, black the best it can be.

Aibella: That's how I can tell.

Yn: What level is our Gears armor?

Aibella: I didn't have what I needed to make it black so it's somewhere in the middle.

Aibella: Next on the agenda is their power source.

This piqued the interest of the pilots.

Aibella: I'm not going to explain how it works, I doubt either of you has the necessary degrees to comprehend a full explanation.

Aibella: To put it simply, Solas has the contents of a star powering it, and Lunas has a nebula inside it.

Yn: Ah, I see...

Luna: Hm...


Aibella: Okay... There are these generators inside them, which are just below the cockpit.

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