Jupiter recovery: part 2

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3rd person POV:

A few minutes before the Gear battle between Cynthia and Theo, the first mate was sitting in front of her Gear as Aibella checked Valkyrie since they recently equipped it with all its weapons.

Yn in the meantime was getting Cynthia psyched up for the battle since he couldn't be the one to fight Theo.

Yn: Don't worry Cynthia, you got this!

The ace pilot shouted at his mentor figure while massaging her shoulder with great intense force.

Cynthia: I'm not worried about this old man. (Grunts)

Cynthia: And what- Ugh,  are you doing?

Yn: This is what trainers do to warm up their competing students.

Cynthia: If anyone is a student in this relationship, it's you.

Yn: Do you want me to rub your shoulders or not?

Cynthia:... Fine, keep going. You're actually relieving a lot of stress in my shoulders.

Yn: Why do you have stress in your shoulders?

Cynthia: There's this hot-headed kid that I'm responsible for, that can't help but get in trouble.

Yn: Better not be me...

Cynthia: It's you.

Yn: Tch...

Cynthia: I wouldn't mind it if you gave me massages more often. You'd actually be kinda worth having around then.

Yn: Hire a masseuse.

Cynthia: But you're free labor.

Yn: You know, I hear pulling and twisting one's ear can help get them ready for the day.

Cynthia: Try it, and I'll kick your ass.

Yn: Is that a challenge!?

Ryuka: Okay, I'll take over hot head.

The Hotshot says as she slides herself in between the two and continues where Yn left off.

Cynthia: I could get used to everyone massaging me...

Cynthia: Aibella, is it ready?

Aibella: Yeah, yeah, everything is good to go.

Cynthia: Then I better get going.

Standing up, Cynthia enters her Gear and stood on Standby for Theo to get ready.

She didn't have to wait long for that to occur.

(Opening theme)

Cynthia entered a large open arena in her Gear, Valkyrie, which was now in its complete state with the PEG.ß wings, Fin-Fang shield, and Valkyrie blade.

(Valkyrie: Fully Equipped)

(Valkyrie: Fully Equipped)

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