Saturn incursion: part 3

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3rd person POV:

Flying towards Yn as fast as she could while he dived towards Solas's cockpit, Luna was about to grab and crush the young pilot.

Cynthia and Ryuka could only scream out to him as they helplessly watched.

Lunas was close to getting Yn, but at the last minute, Solas punched his twin across the face and sent him and Luna crashing into the Pluto hall.


Entering Solas, Yn took control, just as  Lunas stood back up.

Luna:(speaker) How did you do that!?

Yn:(speaker) No idea. Guess Solas just has a better version of your Gears defense measures.

Yn:(speaker) But forget that! Because it's time for the real round 3!

Yn:(speaker) And with my spirit heated to the max like a revved-up engine, you will taste the ash of defeat!

(Solas vs Lunas: round 3)


Uppercutting Lunas off the ground, the lunar Gear flips in the air before taking flight and soaring back toward Lunas.

The twin Gears liftback their arms to swing at each other. Colliding with one another in a thunderous clap of power, Solas gets pushed back until his feet dig into the ground enough for him to properly push back.

Luna:(coms) How long are you going to stand against me?

Yn:(coms) As long as it takes to make you realize taking over the solar system is completely dumb!

Knocking each other back, they begin moving across the plateau as they fire upon the other.

Reaching the end where the dome began, Solas jumped on it and bounced off towards Lunas.

With burning legs, Sola's spinning roundhouse kicked the lunar Gear to his left.

Luna then retaliated by swinging her arm upward towards Solas. This caused a crescent-shaped spike of ice to form as the air froze solid.

Yn: What the...!?

The spike knocked Solas back. However, it did not take long for Yn to recover from such an attack.

The twins rush back near each other to fight in close quarters combat.

Lunas throws a vicious punch, which Yn blocks by raising his forearm to knock away the fist.

Solas retaliates with a knee towards the solar plexus which Luna's elbow drops away.

The twin Gears embark to knock back the other but end up at a standstill.

Luna:(coms) We are too evenly matched. This fight is pointless for it will go nowhere without a deciding factor!

Yn: Aww, don't give up so quickly! I'm sure you'll sing a different tune once I show you this killer move I came up with!

Luna:(coms) As entertaining it would be to see that fail, I must choose the alternative.

Yn: And what would that be?

Luna:(coms) I prefer to leave that as a surprise. You enjoy them, don't you?

Yn: The only surprises I like are the ones where I get to eat cake in celebration of beating you!

Luna:(coms) What wonderful bark, but can you handle my frostbite?!

Grabbing Solas's arms, while turning around, Luna began spinning with Solas, inevitably, releasing him.

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