The do's and do not (Bonus)

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(Chapter explaining some rules)

Aiba: Hello. My name is Aiba. An artificial intelligence from Nexstar industries, here to teach you about why we have some restrictions.

Aiba: Today we'll be talking about AI Gears and Prosthetic limbs.

Aiba: Let's start with simple things to get your mind warmed up with the information to come.

Aiba: So let us talk about prosthetic limbs.

Aiba: Under International laws, artificial limbs are only to be provided to those with the need for them.

Aiba: That means, only those who lost, say an arm for example, in an accident they would be applicable in gaining a cybernetic replacement.

Aiba: However, the cybernetic replacement must be equally as strong, if applicable, to the counter limb.

Aiba: Using our arm example. If someone lost their left arm, their cybernetic arm would need to be as strong as their right arm.

Aiba: If this is not possible. Say for an example, a nose was lost. Then the replacement would be as good as the average nose of someone their age and gender.

Aiba: Note, if it's deemed that you lost your limb on purpose, the right to a cybernetic replacement is lost.

Aiba: Now, you are probably asking yourself why is that the case? Why are the rules so strict?

Aiba: Well in the year 4500, where cybernetics were all the rage, a problem occurred.

Aiba: Actually... Several.

Aiba: Cheating became common as breathing. Birth rates began dropping like bombs. And hacking people was a serious threat.

Aiba: To fix that mess, these rules on cybernetics were put in place.

Aiba: But some loopholes do exist allowing Gear pilots to gain cybernetics to help them perform best to their abilities.

Aiba: Usually, that means having a chip installed to perform better with the Link system of their Gears.

Aiba: Speaking of the link system and Gears...

Aiba: Let's move on to Gears with AI's.

Aiba: The two separate are perfectly fine. But together they are a big no, no.

Aiba: But those going "Aiba-sensei! What about the legendary Red Gear Azrexel and the other link series Gears?".

Aiba: Well my pupils, they are the reason why rules against AI Gears are outlawed.

Aiba: Long ago, when the pilots for the link series Gears finally passed away, the Gears themselves refused to be given to other pilots.

Aiba: Nor did they allow themselves to be repositioned. Instead, they wandered.

Aiba: People did not like that. So people began trying to capture them.

Aiba: But after an incident resulting in a city almost being destroyed, the Gears were marked for termination.

Aiba: But before that could happen, the link series Gears went off-planet and disappeared. Only remembered by history books and plushies you can buy at the Nexstar giftshop.

Aiba: Back to the topic... The whole incident then led to the rules against AI Gears, to prevent a repeat of the past.

Aiba: Now, no weapon is allowed to be controlled by an Artificial Intelligence without orders for the use of those weapons coming from a human.

Aiba: Oh? Looks like our times up. Thank you for joining me.

Aiba: If you have any more questions, please ask me in the comments. And if there is a subject you wish to discuss, then let me know.

Aiba: Bye!

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