Mars trip rivalry: part 1

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3rd person POV:

With the Crescent forcers on Mercury being chased off the nation's territory, the crew of the S.S Dawn was focused on getting resources.

They got back up from Mercury, but no one good or willing enough to join the crew on their dangerous voyage.

Thanks to the partnership with Nexstar industries, that voyage was a little safer. They had fitted the S.S Dawn with superior defenses along with weaponry which it was lacking.

But to top all of that, both hangers were installed with a construction called a GD welder.

Which was a system of welders and 3D printer arms attached to the walls and ceiling of both hanger bays.

This GD welder allowed the crew of the S.S Dawn to make quick workshop level modifications and reapers to their Gears, along with the construction of new equipment if they had enough materials.

There were also other minor upgrades.

Everyone seemed happy with the work of Nexstar industries, except for Aibella who vigorously checked through everything the company she disliked gave her crew, just to make sure there wasn't any way for them to blow up the ship.

Everyone simply allowed her to do so, especially Yn who began enjoying a nice refreshing strawberry milkshake from the new milkshake vendor Nexstar industries installed.

Yn:(sips milkshake)



Yn: What? It's a cold refreshing drink with protein added in. Exactly what I need after piloting Solas.

Aibella: Tch, I know... I just hate that they gave it.

Yn: Why do you hate them? They seem pretty cool.

Aibella: I simply don't like the stuff they do in the shadows.

Yn: What did they do?

Aibella: It's none of your concern...


Cynthia:(P.A system) Yn, break time is over m, time to train.

Yn: Coming!

He runs off as Aibella finishes her sentence.

Aibella:...(mumbles) Yet.

Meanwhile, enjoying a nice warm hot chocolate beverage after her blizzard-like training was Luna.

With Uranus under Crescent control and having business at Mars, the masked madam prepared to head to the second habitable planet as soon as she chooses who will hold down the fort while away.

(Opening theme)

Deep in their voyage to Mars, the crew of the S.S Dawn was in a slow period where not much action was to be had.

This led the captain to perform many drills on her ship to make sure her crew's skills did not dull in these times of peace.

Seeing as his armor could take it, Jacklin had her second and third mate fire at Solas to train both them and Yn.

Yn:(coms) Come on, is that it? I thought you all were supposed to be trained?

After giving Cynthia a turn in her new Gear, Ryuka took it back to give the loud mouth Yn a taste of the Hot Shot's skills.

Yn:(coms) Don't hold back!

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