The Link is here: part 1

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3rd person POV:

Luna and Yn, after telling each other their personal stories, gained a better understanding of each other which was enough for them to put away their silly little rivalry to form a type of partnership.

Which would at least last until they got out of their current predicament of being stuck in a giant empty room.

Yn: Any ideas how to get out of here?

Luna: There has to be some way in and out of this arena.

Luna: It obvious that this place isn't a naturally formed structure.

Yn: Which means someone carved this place open.

Luna: My guess would be the Red Gear made this place.

Yn: That haunted son of a bitch is pretty handy if that's the case.

Luna: The Link series gears were known to have AI, so I doubt it's actually haunted.

Yn: Yeah, I know, but a haunted Gear sounds much cooler.

Luna:(rolls eyes)

Yn: Oh, don't act like it doesn't!

Luna: I didn't say anything.

Yn: You didn't have to.

Luna: Let's just follow along the walls until we find something.

Yn: Alright, let's go. I'm tired of sitting around!

(Opening theme)

The two performed an entire lap around the arena to find some kind of way out of this box.

After their lap, they came across little grooves in the wall. Paying more attention to it, they made out a door-like structure in the wall.

Yn: This might be it!

Luna: But how do we open it?

Yn:(raises fist)

Luna: You can't just punch open a stone wall.

Yn: Not with that attitude.

Luna: Just don't punch it!




Luna: Satisfied?

Yn: It worked on Solas.

Luna:(sigh)... Just let me think...

Luna:(mind) What is the purpose of this room? That is the key to understanding how to escape it.

Luna:(mind) It's an arena at first glance but is there something more to it?

Yn: Hey, how did the red gear, know we were here?

Luna: Hm?

Yn: Heck, how did we even end up here? Where even is here!?

Luna: Okay, let's backtrack to the question of "how did the red gear, know we were here?"

Luna; This place must be more advanced than it looks... Perhaps there are senors or even cameras secretly in here?


Yn: Hey! Let us out!

Luna: You honestly think that will work?

Yn: You're right...

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