New recruit and truths

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3rd person POV:

Solas and Lunas made Saiko retreat with their upgrade forms that she wasn't prepared or expected to face.

Aibella was then escorted back to the S.S Dawn in her little shuttle before the two twin Gears docked inside hanger 2 as Ryuka and Cynthia's Gears docked in hanger 1.

Cynthia, Jacklin, then came to greet the returning trio.

Yn and Aibella happily greeted them, whilst Luna with her mask donned stayed back.

Cynthia: Good to have you back, Yn.

The first mate proclaimed as she placed an arm on his shoulder.

Yn: Good to be back.

Jacklin: What is the situation with her...?

Referring to Luna as she stared cautiously at her.


Yn: Eh... We're cool.

Yn: She and I fought and made up.

Luna: Consider us in an alliance until the bigger threat is dealt with.


Aibella: I'll explain later.

Jacklin: Very well... We'll discuss specifics later, just know, this is my ship, so you will follow my rules.

Luna:... Very well.

Jacklin: Direx, take her to the cafeteria and keep your eye on her. Don't let her wander.

Yn: Aye aye Captain.

Cynthia: I'll come with you.

Luna, Yn, and Cynthia then made their way to the messhall while the captain and Aibella went to tbe captain's quarters for a private chat.

(Opening theme)

(Captain's quarters)

Sitting behind her desk, Jacklin unintentionally gave herself a more menacing figure, which didn't affect Aibella in the slightest.

Jacklin: What happened to Direx and Luna? Where did they get those upgrades?

Aibella:... Remember what we talked about?

Aibella: This is where your time to decide comes in.

Aibella: It won't affect what I'll do, just how this story will end.


Aibella: The truth is...

She went on to explain how she was an artificial intelligence, specifically Aiba the Nexstar made one, and how she not only built Solas and Lunas but transported them during the Eclipse fight to her base that held the Link gears.

From there, she explained how the rumors of withheld technology were true, which she could now prove with her memories she could show now that she is no longer hiding the fact of her being.

The only information she abstained from revealing was the location of her base.


Jacklin:(sigh)... A lot of this could have been avoided if you revealed this years ago.

Aibella: I know... But I thought I stopped the worse... And... I didn't want to see my father's name get dragged in through the dirt...

Jacklin:... If they are plotting something like that... Then we need to stop them.

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