Confrontations Eclipses Over

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3rd person POV:

Decardo, the CEO of Nexstar industries and creator of the Jupiter Brain, Dyson, sat beside his bedridden wife.


Rubbing the temple of his nose, the tiredness he's experiencing became clear.

Decardo:... I thought I could be like the company's founder.

Decardo: Heck... I thought I could be the one to surpass him...

Decardo: But... I lack his luck.

Decardo: So all I can do is...admit my shortcomings.

Decardo: Everything is such a mess... The whole Solar System is being attacked by the machine I built to save you.

Decardo: I guess in its "genius" it believes this will lead it to complete its objective, but...don't see how.

Decardo: The Nexstar name is probably also muddied now...

Decardo: And our child...

Leaning his head on the wall, he stares at the ceiling.

Decardo:(sigh)... Who knows where he is now...

Decardo: Anyhow... I'm going to go try and fix this mess. I love you.

Decardo: Sorry you couldn't get someone better than me. Goodbye.

Leaving the room, a single tear slides down her cheek.

(Opening theme)

In the waiting room of the hospital, Jacklin sat quietly, waiting to hear about Cynthia and Ryuka's condition.

She had ordered Juliet to restock on supplies and sent Ron to head back to the main HQ of the U.S.R.A.P.U to check on the condition of all the planets they had established a connection with along their journey.

With her smart device out, she eagerly awaited an update from her crew until she accidentally stumbled upon an old photo of her crew as she toyed around with her smart device.

The photo was taken almost two years ago before the whole incident started, so there were tons of more people of her crew that she was so proud of until the incident on the Helios mission where most of them perished.

An incident that has haunted her ever since, which has made the once confident Captain second guess herself from time to time.

But there was another incident that came close to beating it.

It was the one that led Cynthia and Ryuka to be in the hospital.

Jacklin:(mind) Just don't die... I don't want any more blood on my hands...

Nurse: Captain Trudian.


Jacklin: How are they?

She rushed to her feet as she asked with concern.

Nurse: They're...

Meanwhile, Aibella was heading to Nexstar industry's main HQ to confront the CEO.

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