Chapter 1👑

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The Goguryeo kingdom was famous for it's Hanbok which the citizens of the kingdom sew in hands. They typically make the Hanboks loose and flowy for the comfortableness. Most people from the kingdom were dancers and they wore these elaborate Hanbok for their cultural practices.

The Goguryeo people loved to spend their time with drinking, singing and dancing with their peer groups. They were happy with their current ruler and loved the royal family to the core. They always showed their respect for the royals and stayed loyal to their king and their family.

The male citizens found themselves riding horses for hunting, while women in their households sewed hanboks and sold it to others. There were no rules neither discrimination.

Anyone can wear hanboks and anyone can do jobs they want. It was not constrained to a particular group of people. There were no such thing called as commoners. Though the royal family were living in their castles, they often made sure to go around their kingdom and look after their people.

The royal family of Goguryeo kingdom was run by the King Daniel along with his Queen Jisoo. King Daniel, succeeded his father's throne after his former king's death. And Prince Kim Namjoon was the next heir to the kingdom.

The royal family were known for their good deeds and were showered with loves from their people. Prince Kim Namjoon was married to his Prince Yoongi, whose family had been serving the royals for years.

Now the citizens knew that there was an ongoing war between Goguryeo kingdom and the Silla Kingdom. Though it was not carried out of their castles, the people were having sleepless nights by thinking about a sudden attack from their enemy kingdom.

That was the reason why the king of Goguryeo and the king of Silla had made a peace treaty . With one condition of getting their princes married to each other.

King Daniel decided to get his second prince, Kim Taehyung tie knot with the first prince of Silla Kingdom, Park Jimin. That's why the Goguryeo city was filled with celebrations now and all the streets were decorated beautifully.

When their King announced their war peace, the people were jumping in joy by feeling relieved of not having any fights. They were not ready to lose their loved ones, neither their beautiful King family.

The Goguryeo people were celebrating their second Prince's wedding ceremony as their own family ceremony. Today, the royal family were planning to have a visit to the Silla Kingdom and the castle was busy with maids running all over the palace.

"Prince Seokjin, please wake up." Lisa, the head of the maid was busy in softly knocking on the third prince's door in order to wake him up. But she couldn't hear any noise or movements inside. She knew that the Prince would be in trouble had he not been ready before the King arrives.

The said Prince was laying on his large king sized pink bed with his parted lips and snoring softly. He was tired from last night's archery session and he didn't know when he had sneaked inside the palace without the King's notice.

Kim Seokjin, was the sweetheart of the Goguryeo kingdom. Though he was the youngest among the other princes, he always had a soft spot in every hearts. He never listened to the rules, he never abide by the laws. He loved living his life and he wanted his people to enjoy theirs too.

There were no such thing that he lacked. He excelled in horse riding at the age of seven, he aced in archery at the age of eleven. His brothers were busy in helping the King, while Kim Seokjin was busy in creating his own happiness.

Neither the King, nor the others stopped Seokjin from doing anything. They didn't want Jin to have burden at such a young age. He was different from the other princes and they loved him for being unique.

"What happened?" The deep voice made Lisa to jump in place. She immediately bowed her head down in respect and decided to speak with her head looking at the ground.

"Your Highness, Prince Seokjin is not waking up. It's almost time for the King to arrive here." Prince Kim Taehyung left a heavy sigh by hearing the explanation from the maid. He knew that Jin was a heavy sleeper and he could never wake him up.

He bent down to Lisa's height and whispered something in her ears making the maid to widen her eyes in horror.

"Y-Your Highness, I-I don't think that's a good idea." Prince Taehyung rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his waist and looked at Lisa with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Lisa gulped and instantly bowed her head down with a negative nod.

"Good. Now I will be waiting outside." With that Prince Kim Taehyung walked outside the castle making Lisa to run immediately. She had only less time to do all the things that her majesty had asked her to bring.

Within few minutes she ran outside the palace and brought all the things together with help of other maids. Prince Kim Taehyung signaled her with his eyes, and Lisa understood what she should do.

She carefully placed the ladder over the castle's wall which perfectly led to Prince Kim Seokjin's bedroom window. Taehyung took the bucket in his hands and walked on the ladder with Lisa and other maids grabbing it securely.

"Prince Seokjin is going to snap out." One of the maids whispered making Lisa to sigh heavily. She knew that the Princes loved playing games. And this was their every day routine to tease and mock each other.

Prince Kim Taehyung carefully made to the Prince Seokjin's bedroom window and he cooed at his brother seeing him laid out on his bed completely.

"Awww is my baby bear sleeping? Well it's time to get some sun bath." With that Taehyung splashed the cold water on Prince Kim Seokjin from the bucket he was holding making the sleepyhead jolt on his bed immediately.

"What the fuck!!" Jin widened his eyes and pulled his wet hair back from his forehead which was sticking on his skin. He disgustingly jumped down on the bed and looked at the bedroom window to see his brother giving him a puppy eyes with an empty bucket in his hand.

"It's time to wake up sunshine. Do you want your brother to be forever single or to mingle? Be ready in five minutes, the King is coming." Before Jin could snap at the Prince, Kim Taehyung was already climbing down the ladder and threw the empty bucket to Lisa who immediately caught.

"Make sure to change his bedsheets. Ahhh! Finally it's time for me to get a soulmate." Prince Taehyung dreamily said and walked around the garden area with a whistle.

"You mother fucker!" Prince Kim Seokjin cursed at his brother and looked at his damped bed and sheets. He walked towards his bedroom mirror and analyzed his face and body. His eyes widened when he heard the sound of drums faintly echoing in his ears.

"Fuck, King has arrived." Prince Kim Seokjin ran to his bathroom to get his things done before he meets his father. It was just the start of the day and he was already running late.

A/N: Hi angels, please bear with me. I am not sure if you found this chapter boring or not But I am trying my best to make you have a visual about the kingdoms and their cultures. Please do trust me and support this book angels. I can say that this will be one of my favorite Jinkook books in my heart forever.

And many of you angels were having doubt about who is top and bottom. I request you angels to read the tags, because I have already put it that Jungkook is top and Jin is power bottom.

To the angels who are going to continue to read this story, thanks for supporting me and motivating me angels.💜

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