Chapter 14👑

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Prince Seokjin was blushing heavily by the feeling of Prince Jungkook in his side. He looked his other side to see Prince Taehyung smiling happily by standing with Prince Jimin.

Prince Namjoon and Prince Yoongi were smiling happily by seeing the King of Silla Kingdom and the King of Goguryeo Kingdom exchanging words and gifts from each other. Queen Joy and Queen Jisoo bowed to each other and exchanged the dress that they bought for each other.

After agreeing from both the parties, King Daniel and King Chanyeol walked towards their grooms. With a big smile on his face, King Daniel tied a red ribbon on Prince Jungkook's right wrist while King Chanyeol tied a red ribbon on Prince Seokjin's right wrist.

It was their tradition to greet and accept the Princes as their son-in-law. Same action mirrored to the Vmin Princes. King Daniel tied the ribbon on Prince Jimin's hands while King Chanyeol accepted Prince Taehyung as his son-in-law by tying the ribbon.

The Kings brought Prince Jungkook's ribbon tied hand, and placed Prince Seokjin's ribbon tied hand above it. The ribbons that were tied on their hands were placed together. Prince Taehyung's hands couldn't help but smile by seeing Prince Jimin's small hands engulfing inside his big hand.

Prince Seokjin was gulping hard and felt shiver running down on his spine by the soft touch of those veiny hands. He bit his lips shyly and kept his head bowed down since he was blushing red. He loved how his hands perfectly fit inside Prince Jungkook's hands.

The Kings and Queens came together and stood infront of the grooms and announced the Grooms as the newly wedded couples. The Jinkook and Vmin couple held their hands tightly and followed the words whatever the Majesties asked them to say.

After their vows, Hapgeunrye was practiced.

This is the time when the bride and groom will drink from the same copper cup. The Princes held the cup by crossing over each others arms and took a sip. The first sip from the copper cup represents the couple's relationship with one another. It symbolizes that the bride and groom are becoming one whole entity.

Finally, the newly wedded Princes bowed together to show respect to their parents, their ancestors, and their wedding guests.

It took almost an hour for the ceremony to come to an end. The grooms were seated in their seats and the entertainment was on. They enjoyed by seeing lots of cultural dance by the dancers.

The newly wedded couples were made to sit together in one seat to watch the program. Prince Seokjin couldn't help but feel shy by seeing the dancers performing erotic dance where the male lead was grabbing the female lead dancer and thrusting his hips along with the woman.

Prince Seokjin shyly looked his side to see his husband Prince Jungkook showing no emotions while watching the performance.

With a small pout he turned to his brother Prince Taehyung, who was busy with making Prince Jimin to laugh at his jokes. He could see the Vmin couple getting to know each other and they were comfortable.

Prince Seokjin couldn't help but wonder what was going on his husband's mind. But he decided to let it go, and his eyes locked with his ribbon on his hand. He couldn't believe that he was married already.

After all the performances, the sky started getting darker. The moon was beautiful with stars painted on the sky. The newly wedded couples were getting changed for their wedding nights in a room.

Prince Seokjin was changed to a comfortable white Hanbok with loose sleeves. He was relieved that the weird hat on his head was no more. Queen Jisoo was happily applying the tint on his cheeks and lips with the help of cherries.

"If you feel uncomfortable with your Prince's actions, tell him okay? Don't hesitate." Queen Jisoo advised her son who rolled his eyes. Prince Seokjin wasn't naive like his mother thinks. He had read stories about how sex works. But still he decided to nod like a good boy.

"Yes, your Majesty. I will." Prince Seokjin smiled and bowed his head down as a respect. Queen Jisoo couldn't believe that her Princes were all married already. And she couldn't wait to see grand children in her arms.

The palace was having no guards and no maids for tonight. Only the newly wedded couples were allowed to be here since they were going to spend their night here. The King had ordered that it was prohibited for anyone.

A sound of bell echoed through out the palace indicating that the grooms were coming. Prince Seokjin and Prince Jimin were supposed to wait for their husbands in their bedroom that they were going to spend together forever.

Queen Jisoo placed a soft kiss on Prince Seokjin's hair and left the room by leaving Jin all alone. Though Prince Seokjin looked all confident, now he was starting to get nervous. He wasn't sure how they would communicate.

"Will he just remove my clothes and make love to me? Will he say no to me? What if he doesn't like my body?" Prince Seokjin was asking no one and he started to nervously fidget his fingers on his Hanbok.

He felt pit in his stomach and he lightly loosened the belt that was circling his waist tightly. He had read about how to seduce one's consort and how to feel confident and sexy in their own body.

Prince Seokjin gulped and he checked himself out by seeing his all body covered with the Hanbok. No one could see his honey kissed skin. But he decided not to do any of those things since he wanted to know more about his Prince Jungkook.

They both didn't know each other, and Prince Seokjin was interested in getting to know each other than sleeping together.

Prince Seokjin was busy while playing and tugging at his wedding ribbon in his wrists. His eyes widened when he heard the sound of someone knocking on their bedroom door. He softly gulped and stood on his feet while looking at the closed door.

"Y-Yes, your Highness." Prince Seokjin knew it would be his husband and just like his instinct, the door opened by revealing his beautiful Prince Jungkook.

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