Chapter 15👑

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Prince Seokjin was standing beside the King sized bed and he couldn't help but to rub his toe fingers on the ground while blushing heavily. It was his habit of doing whenever he was getting shy. He was biting his lips lightly and looked up to see his Prince standing there awkwardly.

"C-Come in, your Highness." Prince Seokjin moved aside to let Prince Jungkook to sit on the bed. Prince Jungkook without answering anything he sat on his large sized bed with his hands fisted. The air was getting awkward around them, no one spoke about anything.

"Y-You can sit, My Prince." Prince Jungkook whispered while having his head down. He tapped on the empty side next to him signaling his husband to sit. Prince Seokjin felt butterflies in his stomach by hearing such a beautiful voice.

Happily with a wide grin, Prince Seokjin sat softly on the bed making one side to dip. The only sounds of crickets chirping could hear from the outside of the window. The moon was glowing perfectly with stars shining around her.

Prince Jungkook and Prince Seokjin were breathing steadily and they have no idea what to do or what to speak. They both were having their hands rested on the bed. Prince Seokjin looked down to see their hands next to each other and he wished he could feel those hands.

He softly moved his hand and placed near Prince Jungkook's veiny hands. With a heavy gulp, Prince Seokjin found some confident and he tried to make their pinky fingers to touch.

Prince Jungkook gasped when accidentally he felt Prince Seokjin's fingers brushing over his own. He soon withdrew his hands from the bed and placed it on his yellow Hanbok making Prince Seokjin to pout.

They didn't know how long they have been sitting there silently, Prince Jungkook's eyes widened when he thought of the King's words. He was supposed to come to storage room and he knew that he was late now.

He stood on his feet abruptly making Prince Seokjin to furrow his eyebrows. He stood after his husband and looked at Jungkook who was wandering his eyes everywhere.

"I-Is there any problem, Your Highness?" Prince Jungkook looked at his husband with a pleading eyes of asking sorry. But Prince Seokjin couldn't make out anything from his action.

"I-I need to go. Pardon me, your Highness." Without waiting for Prince's reply, Jungkook walked towards his bedroom door and when he was about to reach for the door knob he turned back to see Prince Seokjin furrowing his eyebrows.

Prince Seokjin stopped his husband by holding Jungkook's wrist where their wedding ribbon was tied around. Prince Jungkook flinched by the contact of their skin and with his wide doe eyes he looked at Prince Seokjin's eyes to find him glaring at him.

"I apologize for my behavior, but as your husband I have rights to worry about you. If it's not a mistake, may I know where you are heading to, Your Highness?" Prince Seokjin asked making Prince Jungkook to gulp heavily. He didn't expect his husband to question him but he knew who he was dealing with.

Prince Seokjin was not like any other people he had ever met in his life. He knew that he was in a position to answer his husband and he could never get mad at Prince Seokjin for caring about him.

"I-I was s-supposed to have a small meeting with the King. I-I totally forgot, if you Pardon me I would go. Please don't wait for me, Y-Your highness. Sleep well." With that Prince Jungkook rushed out of the bedroom resulting with the wedding ribbon fall down from the Prince Seokjin's grip.

Prince Jungkook didn't turn back neither was worried about his wedding ribbon that was helplessly lying on the ground. Prince Seokjin controlled his cries and bit his lips to not letting the tears fall down.

He never expected Prince Jungkook to be like this. He seemed to be lovely and innocent. But being cold with him, kind of broke Seokjin's heart.

All he wanted was to speak with him and get to know about him. But he felt shy to initiate a conversation. Now his eyes looked down to see Prince Jungkook's wedding ribbon on the ground.

He kind of cursed himself for holding tightly on his wrists. Since Prince Jungkook turned faster, the ribbon got untied with Seokjin's hold. With a sigh, Prince Seokjin bent down and picked the wedding ribbon and dusted off a little.

He tightly held the ribbon in his palm and looked aside to see the open window of the bedroom. He could see that it was already past-midnight. With the wedding stuffs and ceremony, he had lost more energy.

Prince Seokjin decided to wait for his husband though he felt like he would pass out anytime. He walked to his bed and sat on the edge by playing with his wedding ribbons. He wanted to apologize to Prince Jungkook for crossing his boundaries in questioning him.

He didn't know how long he had been keeping his eyes open, Prince Seokjin stirred when he found some movements on the other side of the bed. He softly opened his eyes and that's when he realized that he had fell asleep on the bed.

He was not sitting anymore rather he was lying on the bed with his arms resting down his head. Prince Seokjin couldn't look through the dark since Prince Jungkook had blew of the candle lights. He was fidgeting his fingers in his hanbok, while thinking if he should turn around or not.

He waited for sometime and looked up the window to see the sky beginning to dawn.

"What was he doing till the dawn?" Prince Seokjin thought to himself and his inner thoughts started to collide with his peaceful mind. After getting no movements behind him, Prince Seokjin slowly turned around and was blessed with the sight of Prince Jungkook sleeping on his stomach with parted lips.

His cheeks were flushed on the bed and exposed his beautiful plump cheeks. He could hear soft snores from his husband and his face looked so tired. Prince Seokjin looked at his hands were he was holding the wedding ribbon that belonged to Prince Jungkook.

Carefully he took his husband's hand and tied the ribbon on his right wrist with a happy smile on his face.

Prince Seokjin's crooked fingers were about to reach for Prince Jungkook's pale face but suddenly stopped. He didn't want to disturb his peaceful sleep and Prince Seokjin decided to talk with his husband after they get some free time.

Little did Prince Seokjin knew that his husband was in pain and he didn't got the chance to treat his fresh wounds from the whipping on his back. The King took his time since Prince Jungkook made him to wait so long.

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