Chapter 24👑

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Prince Seokjin was getting ready for his duty which was assigned to him by the King Daniel. He knew that his husband wouldn't be with him during nights. Although he felt sad and frustrated to find the reason for his absence, he decided to leave it for another day.

Tonight it was his duty call. He had already informed Prince Taehyung about his plan, and the other had ensured him that there would be no guards around the palace during nights, after confirming it with Prince Jimin.

Prince Seokjin was feeling tired after having a long day with Prince Jungkook. All he wanted to do was take a nice warm bath and a good sleep. But he couldn't since he had so many responsibilities.

He walked infront of the large mirror in the bedroom and examined his outfit. He was wearing a casual attire like a commoner which he used on his journey to Goguryeo Kingdom. His face was wrapped around with a woolen cloth except his eyes.

He made sure that the cloth was tightly wrapped around his face, and he opened his dressing cabinet, and rummaged inside his pile of clothes. He smirked inside his mask when his fingers came in touch with the object he was searching for.

He slowly retrieved the shining object which glowed under the moonlight. The golden dagger was having sharp edges on the tip which was enough to slide several throats and wound a person by a simple slash.

The dagger had his Goguryeo Kingdom symbol on the handle decorated with golden symbol. His crooked fingers slowly traced the outline of the sharp dagger, which was shining beautifully. Placing a soft kiss on the tip, Prince Seokjin put the dagger inside the belt where he had already fit a small pouch.

His eyes locked with the dark sky outside the window, and the moon was perfectly smiling at him. He walked to his Lovey, who was getting ready for the adventure.

"You ready, Lovey?" Prince Seokjin whispered to his dove who was cooing and tilting her head several times trying to stretch her body. He softly opened the golden cage and Lovey without hesitation flew and sat on Prince Seokjin's broad shoulders.

The Prince was carefully brushing Lovey's head and whispering soft words.

"When you find something odd, come to me. Got it?" Prince Seokjin asked his dove who was flapping her wings to get ready for the journey. His eyes immediately looked outside the window in the direction where Lovey had flew away.

He knew that he could trust his dove. Without any waiting further more, Prince Seokjin walked outside his bedroom by disguising himself as a commoner with a mask. He could see that the large hallway of the palace was empty and only lit up with candles in the corners.

Prince Seokjin was walking in bare feet since he knew that the sound of the shoes might echo in the large palace. His eyes were busy in looking everywhere and his brain was filled with suspicious thoughts.

The palace always gave him an eerie feeling, and he made sure to move by hiding behind every pillar whenever he felt some weird movements. His right hand was firmly holding the dagger pouch while his left hand was busy in moving curtains and cabinets.

Prince Seokjin could see that the palace was much bigger to his surprise. He slowed down his steps when he heard some faint voices and foot steps. His ears perked up in alert that someone was there along with him in this floor.

He knelt down immediately before rolling down forward by doing somersault move. He used his hands for support while leaning his head down to the level on the ground. Since Prince Seokjin was an excel in this, he gracefully lifted his lower body up, and did forward rolls with the help of the ground.

After reaching behind the pillar, Prince Seokjin attached himself to the pillar like a lizard. He was breathing softly and his head turned the side of the noise from where it was coming.

He braced himself when he saw two shadows walking towards him from behind the pillar. He could imagine that it was the guards with the help of candle light. He could hear them speaking about night duties and how tired each other was.

His hand reached for the dagger in case for any emergency, and before he could pull out, he found the two palace guards walking past the pillar without noticing Prince Seokjin hiding behind it.

Though Prince Seokjin's eyes were looking around for any danger, his ears were keenly listening to their conversation.

"I wish I could sleep. I am tired of patrolling in mines."

"Well atleast you got to see some chicks. But I am stuck in the palace by working with men."

The two bodyguards laughed together by agreeing with other's words. Prince Seokjin found himself joining the puzzles and he widened his eyes in realization in what they were speaking about.


Prince Seokjin smirked himself by finding the answer for the question. He didn't waste his time further more, and he started to move quickly from the place where he was hiding. He was thankful that he didn't have to wander the palace all night. He decided to walk to his room before his husband arrives.

He decides to jump from one floor to another floor instead of walking down the stairs. Prince Seokjin carefully held the bar of the stairs before making a quick jump to the down floor with the help of wooden bars on the side.

He flipped his body casually and dived down while safely landing on the ground. He smiled himself when he saw that he had was nearing his room. But before he could proceed to walk further, he was stopped when he heard faint sound coming from the ground floor.

"Is there another floor down here?"

Prince Seokjin asked himself, and to kill his curiosity he decided to check himself out in the first place. He had never been before, and the more he walked down the stairs, the more darker it was.

Weirdly, he scrunched his nose when he was hit with strong smell of blood. He walked down on the hallway and his ears perked up in attention when he heard few sobs.

"This is probably the King's secret chamber."

Prince Seokjin whispered while looking at all the portraits and chandelier lights on the ceiling. Of course, he knew that Kings of the kingdom would have secret chambers to hide themselves whenever an enemy attacks or whenever there was a war.

When he came across Queen's and King's bedroom, he cat walked on his tip toes carefully without making any sound. Before he could cross their room silently, he halted his movements when he heard sobbing sounds from the Queen.

Prince Seokjin decided not to butt in, but his eyes found another room, near by the King's room. It was looking old, and not neatly furnished door. His eyes was suddenly lit with a bright light coming from the slight opened door of the other room. He could tell that the door was not firmly closed.

The sound which was faintly heard before, now it was loud. Prince Seokjin slowly peeked through the opened door, only to have his heart broken by witnessing the scene inside the room.


A/N: What do you think Prince Seokjin saw inside the door angels?

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