Chapter 37👑

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Prince Jungkook was sweating all over his body, with the vigorous training that he had been taking for the past one hour. With the help of Prince Seokjin, Prince Jungkook aced in archery skills.

He wanted to do more, so he started to learn sword fight with his fighters. He was feeling bored since his husband was not there in their Kingdom.

Prince Seokjin had left to Goguryeo Kingdom along with Prince Jimin and Prince Taehyung. They got a news stating that Prince Yoongi had delivered a beautiful baby girl. So the Princes of Silla Kingdom decided to make a visit to the Kingdom.

But Prince Jungkook stayed back, since atleast one Prince was supposed to lead the Kingdom. He took this time, to get trained with equipment.

He wanted to protect his Kingdom also deep inside he wanted to be smart to Prince Seokjin. Prince Jungkook wanted to show his husband that he could fight too. So Prince Jungkook was training hard on the sunny day with skin burning under the sunlight.

His opponent was getting tired already, and Prince Jungkook decided to take this for his own advantage.

He lunged front with his sword swinging right beneath his opponent's leg making the other to stumble in his steps. Without expecting the attack, the opponent lost his balance and fell down on the ground with his sword dropping on the side.

Prince Jungkook smiled before somersaulting on the ground and straddling other's chest with his sword right under the opponent's neck.

"I surrender, your Highness." The fighter raised his hands in defense, making Prince Jungkook to smirk in victory. With a happy face, he stood up and gave his hands for the opponent to help in getting up.

Prince Jungkook bowed to his fellow fighters before walking to the bench where his guard was having his towel.

"Your Highness, it's time to go on rounds to the mine." The Royal guard Jung Hoseok bowed to the Prince and offered a glass of water who gulped in one go. After nodding, Prince Jungkook walked to his room before getting into the shower to get ready for the day.

After the punishment of the previous King, the Silla Kingdom was leading a life peacefully.

The woman in the household were running shops along with the men. And the children were getting trained in fights who were interested in it. There were some calligraphy lessons thought to children who were taking up their classes in the palace garden.

Prince Jungkook wore a new lavender Hanbok after removing his sweaty old one. A quick shower made him get brisk and soon he was on his cart to the gold mine with guards on his side.

He could see the citizens of Silla Kingdom bowing to him and moving away to give the path. Prince Jungkook was smiling happily by seeing the people all doing their own jobs with whatever they wanted.

The cart slowed down indicating that the destination has reached. Royal guard Jung Hoseok got down from his horse before opening the door of the cart. Prince Jungkook got down safely and looked around to see the workers doing their job perfectly.

After having debates on who should work on the mines, Prince Seokjin came up with the idea of appointing 'Muggers' as workers. He explained the reason for their robbery was unemployment and starvation.

So he suggested to let them work for a salary provided with shelter. They were provided with food with two meals a day, and they were allowed inside the market town to buy one meal with their earned money.

Although many people were afraid of thinking about muggers stealing the gold, it never happened. Silla Kingdom was their home too. So they worked their ass off to make their Kingdom proud.

Prince Jungkook nodded softly to all the worker who bowed their heads to the Prince. Silla Kingdom was making gold crowns, belts and rings for the other Royal Kingdoms. The pact between Silla Kingdom and the Tang Dynasty of China was halted the moment, the previous King got exiled.

Speaking of the former King Chanyeol, he and Queen Joy were set in a prison with one meal per day. There were guards surrounded by the prison in order to protect the Silla Kingdom.

After the usual visit, Prince Jungkook reached his room at the night. He was happy to see the Silla palace lit up with candle lights beautifully on every floor. The storage room on the basement was used as a training field for children who wanted to learn.

Prince Jungkook laid on his bed with Lovey on his belly softly sitting on him and cooing at the night sky. His hands were busy in patting Lovey's head while thinking about his husband.

"I miss him already, Lovey. I hope he misses me too." Prince Jungkook said to Lovey who tilted her head like she was agreeing to him. He didn't know when he went off to dreamland, but he scrunched his nose when he felt someone caressing his cheeks.

He immediately opened his eyes to see his beautiful husband Prince Seokjin smiling at him. A long sigh left Prince Jungkook's lips by imagining the scene before him.

"I am going crazy, my Prince. I am seeing you here with me when you are in Goguryeo Kingdom." Prince Jungkook whispered before closing his eyes in hope that the image of his husband would disappear. But he widened his doe eyes in surprise when he heard a soft chuckle.

"I am here, my Lord." Prince Seokjin said before leaning down to capture those bunny lips which he missed so badly. Prince Jungkook felt himself smiling through the kiss, and he pulled his husband's nape by deepening the kiss.

Their tongues were getting sucked each other, with little smooches echoing through out the bedroom. After getting enough of the kiss, both of them leaned back with their foreheads touching each other.

"I so badly missed you, my Prince." Prince Jungkook said before locking his doe eyes with those alpaca eyes which showed nothing but love.

"You better be, my Lord. Because I missed you crazily. I wanted to fly here the moment I reached there." Prince Jungkook giggled by hearing the confession from his husband. He lazily nodded before hugging Prince Seokjin and resting his head on the other's chest which was rising up and down with the steady breathing.

Prince Seokjin softly kissed on Prince Jungkook's hair before closing his eyes in relaxation. He missed his husband so much. And he was finally happy to be back home.

His favorite place. His Husband's arms.

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