Chapter 29👑

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Prince Seokjin rolled his eyes in annoyance by seeing his brother Prince Taehyung smirking at him by wiggling his eyebrows. Of course the other was teasing, by how much he saw Prince Seokjin limping around the palace the next day.

"Stop with your ugly smirk. It's disgusting." Prince Seokjin warned his brother before sitting on the guest chair inside Prince Taehyung's room. Right now the two Kim brothers were in Prince Taehyung's and Prince Jimin's room to have some conversation.

Prince Jungkook was sleeping in his room, while Prince Jimin was busy in eating down the hall. This was the perfect time for both the Princes of Goguryeo Kingdom to have a private talk.

"Aww, my little brother is not innocent anymore." Prince Taehyung cutely pinched his brother's cheeks who was staring at him with intense glare.

"Ewww~Get away from me, you parasite." Prince Seokjin playfully pushed his brother before walking to the balcony. Prince Taehyung chuckled softly before making sure to lock the door.

Prince Taehyung and Prince Seokjin were standing in the balcony and looking at the large Kingdom in front of them. They both needed some privacy to discuss the matters.

"Lovey, brought this last night." Prince Seokjin reached for a pouch inside his Hanbok and gave it to Prince Taehyung who took it. He slowly took the object inside, and examined the yellowish stone with a proud smile on his face.

"So it's true about our prediction."

Prince Seokjin nodded before looking at the mountains that were far away from the palace. He breathed in a heavy sigh before speaking about his ideas.

"Yes, and I am executing my plan tonight."

Prince Taehyung who was playing with the yellowish stone gasped in shock before putting the object back in the pouch.

"T-Tonight? Don't you think it's too early?" He asked while giving the pouch to Prince Seokjin, who securely tied it inside his Hanbok.

"In our defense, I would say this is probably late. We are already lagging behind the King. I don't think we should wait anymore and letting things happen to his likes."

Prince Taehyung too agreed with what his brother said. But he also knew that Prince Seokjin was not alone like before, he was married.

"What about your husband?"

Prince Seokjin breathed in a heavy sigh and looked at his brother with pain and hurt in his eyes.

"The King is using him as a toy."


"My instincts were true, Taehyung. Prince Jungkook is being abused every night in the storage room by the King. When I was on rounds the other night, I found the King's secret chamber which led me down the stairs.

I found the King beating my husband with the whip which they use for slaves. I wished I could kill him at that right moment. But I stayed silent for our plan to succeed."

Prince Taehyung shook his head in disbelief by remembering about King Chanyeol's actions.

"He is a real monster just like how people said."

"Yes, and he will soon pay for his actions. I will make sure that he gets punished for his wrong doings."

"But if you leave tonight, won't Prince Jungkook be alone?"

"No, I am bringing him with me."

"Seokjin." Prince Taehyung looked at his brother like he was some crazy person.Prince Seokjin turned aside and gave his full attention to Prince Taehyung who was giving him a warning look about his decision.

"He needs to know what's been happening in this beautiful kingdom, Taehyung. I know he and Prince Jimin are innocent. Although I have my doubts on the Royal guard and the Queen herself."

Prince Taehyung rubbed his temples by feeling of head ache forming slightly. He knew that he can't argue with his brother. He knew how Prince Seokjin was and he trusted him.

"Fine. Be careful, Seokjin. We are dealing with the monsters and not royals." Prince Seokjin smiled before stepping back and bowing 90degree infront of Prince Taehyung.

"Yes, my King!" Prince Seokjin greeted making Prince Taehyung to laugh at the silliness of his brother.

"Shut up!!" Prince Taehyung playfully pushed his brother and laughed together along with Prince Seokjin whose eyes were focused on the mountains which were far away from the palace.


"My Prince, where are we going?" Prince Jungkook asked his husband who was helping him in wearing a commoner's costume. Just like Prince Seokjin's plan, he was taking his husband along with him.

Prince Jungkook was confused by seeing a different attire which he won't normally wears. He saw his husband, wearing same attire like him and wrapping a big woolen cloth around his face by leaving his eyes to see.

"Are we sneaking out?" Prince Seokjin chuckled softly while listening to his husband's words. With a soft nod, he tied the cloth around Prince Jungkook's face to hide his identity.

"We are, my Lord."

"What if the King asks for me?" Prince Jungkook whispered making Prince Seokjin to stop his actions. With a sigh, he secured the cloth around his husband tightly before cupping his masked face.

Only their eyes could be seen through the cloth, which Prince Jungkook kind of felt weird but still romantic.

"No one can touch you until I breathe, your Highness. And I won't care if it's the King himself. We will be leaving now to a place where most people aren't aware of." Without any further saying, Prince Jungkook nodded happily by thinking about Prince Seokjin being there for him.

The darkness dominated the sky, letting the moon and her friends to shine outside. Prince Seokjin carefully climbed down the window which led him to the Silla palace's garden. He stood on the foot of the bedroom window before doing somersault and landing on the ground safely with a thud sound.

Prince Jungkook was blinking his eyes in surprise and jogged to the window and looked down. He smiled and waved happily to his husband who was already waving at him and signaling him to use the cloth which he tied it to the window.

With a nod, Prince Jungkook gripped the cloth which was tightly wrapped towards the wooden bar of their bed. He put his feet on the corner of the window and gripped the cloth tightly while closing his eyes.

This was going to be his first time to do some stunts like this. But with his husband, he loved exploring things like this. After several breaths, he jumped down through the window with his hands never loosening his grip on the cloth.

Prince Seokjin moved over to the place where he sensed his husband would land. He jogged as soon as possible and caught Prince Jungkook safely without getting hurt.

Prince Jungkook was laughing quietly along with Prince Seokjin who was feeling proud of his husband.

"That's my man, my Lord." Prince Seokjin whispered through his mask and intertwined his fingers with his husband, before sneaking out of the palace.

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