Chapter 11👑

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When Prince Jungkook woke up from his bed, he never expected a guest in his bedroom window. The sound of the dove made Prince Jungkook to stir in his deep sleep. For the past one week, he had been sleeping peacefully since the King Chanyeol was busy with wedding ceremony.

And according to the tradition, the wedding was supposed to be held in Silla's Kingdom and the King was too busy that he didn't have time to show his frustrations over him. Prince Jungkook's back was getting healed in this time, and the red patches was slowly disappearing.

Prince Jungkook opened his eyes only to be blessed with a beautiful white dove flapping it's wings by trying to wake him up. With a soft groan, Jungkook sat up on his bed and rubbed his eyes with back of his palm.

His eyes widened when his eyes locked with the dove holding something in her beak. He adjusted his night robe and tightly secured it around his waist. Carefully he put his foot down the bed and walked towards the dove hoping that it would fly. But to his surprise, the dove was actually waiting for Prince Jungkook to grab her.

Prince Jungkook carefully scooped the dove and his eyebrows furrowed by seeing a paper wrapped with a ribbon in it's beak. He carefully took the paper and petted the bird's head to which the dove gooed happily.

His face lit up when he noticed the symbol on he paper. Three legged crow indicated him that it was from the Goguryeo Kingdom.

"But who would send me a letter? Maybe it is for the King." Jungkook thought to himself but he knew that if it was meant for the King, the dove wouldn't be with him right now.

He decided to open the letter and while reading the words, Prince Jungkook couldn't help but smile by reading the sweet letter.

Dear Prince Jungkook of Silla Kingdom,

If you are reading this letter, I am sure that Lovey delivered this letter to you. I want to convey my feelings to you since I had no private time with you before. I am willing to tie knot with you if you are interested in me like I do. I want to spend my life with you beside me. Please do reply your answer and send it through Lovey.

Sincerely,Royal Prince Kim Seokjin of Goguryeo Kingdom.

Prince Jungkook giggled by reading the letter again and again. He didn't know why but he felt himself blushing by seeing the letter in his hands. He couldn't believe that Prince Seokjin would ask his permission for a marriage.

But who was he kidding? Prince Seokjin was someone whom he had never met in his life before. He was exact opposite of Prince Jungkook. And he had seen how Prince Seokjin would try to start a conversation and become red all over his face.

Prince Jungkook looked at the dove and leaned down to kiss on her head. She had brought some happiness to him through Prince Seokjin. And all he could do was dance happily in the bedroom while thinking about the handsome Prince who wants to marry him.

"Oh my! Are you okay, Kookie?" Prince Jungkook jolted when he heard his brother's voice. He turned around to see Queen Joy and Prince Jimin standing near the door and witnessing his dance.

Prince Jungkook shyly giggled and held the letter tightly near his clothed chest.

"Your Majesty, look at the dove!" Prince Jimin exclaimed in happiness and soon he ran to the bird who happened to love him immediately. Prince Jimin found himself playing and cooing at the beautiful bird while Queen Joy was raising her eyebrows.

"What's in your hands, Prince Jungkook?" That made both the Princes to stop their actions and look at her with wide eyes. Prince Jimin turned his attention to his brother who was gulping hard by the question.

Prince Jungkook was biting his lips harshly while trying to answer the Queen. He slowly reached the letter to his brother who got it from him. Prince Jimin's eyes widened and gasped in shock while reading the letter. He turned to Queen Joy who was looking at his son for an answer.

"Oh Your Majesty! Our Kookie is getting a marriage proposal." Happily Prince Jimin jumped in joy and showed the letter to Queen Joy who felt different emotions at a time. She didn't know what to say.

She could understand that it was from the last Prince of Goguryeo Kingdom, and she remembered the handsome face. She looked at Prince Jungkook who was getting a big hug from his brother.

"This is fantastic! We both will be married to the same family and we can be together forever." Prince Jimin couldn't believe that they both were going to get married to the same family.

"Prince Jungkook, what is your thoughts about this letter?" Queen Joy asked her son. Prince Jimin broke the hug and looked at his brother expecting an answer.

Jungkook was biting his lips nervously and fidgeting his fingers in his robe. When Queen Joy and Prince Jimin entered his bedroom, they wanted to bring him down for a breakfast. But never did they expect to see the Prince Jungkook to dance beautifully.

Deep inside, Queen Joy was convinced that Prince Seokjin would be the suitable consort for Prince Jungkook. She had heard from the Royal Guard, how Prince Seokjin attacked the muggers and saved the Royal family members.

She also hoped that maybe Prince Seokjin was the person whom she had been searching for all these years. He might be Prince Jungkook's savior from all this torture.

"I-I like him." Prince Jungkook said and looked at Queen Joy with hope that she would accept it. For the past two weeks, Jungkook was reminded of Prince Jin everywhere he walked. He could remember their small talk, and how he fought with those muggers. He remembered the concerned face of Jin when he got a light scratch from the attack.

No one had shown him the love and care other than his Queen and his brother. And he felt special when Prince Seokjin took care of him.

"Well, then it's going to be two ceremonies in one day." Queen Joy commented making the Jikook Princes hug together tightly.

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