Chapter 20👑

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Prince Seokjin was running down the large hallway of Goguryeo palace while holding his rose Hanbok making sure not to trip down. He could see several guards bowing to him, but he was in a hurry.

He ran down the stairs carefully and slowed down when he reached his destination. He was sweating and panting heavily after the long run. His eyes searched inside the King's chamber and he felt like his heart was going to explode.

There his husband was.

Prince Jungkook sitting along with the King, Queen and Kim Princes and having a small talk. He breathed in and out before nodding his head to the guards to open the door for him. Everyone's attention turned to Prince Seokjin when they heard the door opening.

With a slight nod to all the guards, Prince Seokjin walked inside the large chamber and stood before them. Prince Jungkook found himself smiling by seeing his husband after long time. It's been almost two months since their separation.

Prince Jungkook stood up from his seat and walked to his husband who instantly stiffened by other's presence. He gulped hard when he felt Prince Jungkook taking his hand and kissing on his crooked fingers.

"How have you been, my Prince?"

Prince Seokjin looked up in surprise to see Prince Jungkook speaking without stuttering. He knew that the other would speak loud only if he is comfortable with the person.

"I-I am doing good, my Lord. You?" The wide doe eyes were looking at the alpaca eyes with love and care. Something which Prince Seokjin never witnessed before. The two were in their own world of fantasy, and totally forgetting about the audience around them.

"The palace was lonely. But now that I have seen you, I am better, my Prince." Prince Seokjin found himself blushing by the intense look from his husband. He found himself melting in that bunny smile.

And now he realized how much he missed him, his smile, his voice and the whole himself.

"Your highness, this isn't necessary."

The two turned their attention to Prince Yoongi who was getting emotional by looking at the beautiful handmade basket and a soft woolen baby cloth. Prince Seokjin almost cooed by looking at the baby cloth, because it was too cute.

"I-I know you loved our handmade baskets in our Kingdom, your Highness. And when I was on the journey I came a-across a small village. I couldn't help but to buy the wool. It would l-look cute on your b-baby." Prince Jungkook said making the family to smile happily.

Prince Seokjin couldn't believe that this was his husband. He spoke much to his surprise and he never expected that Prince Jungkook would come here.

"May I know your reason for your visit, my Lord?" Prince Seokjin asked his husband while sitting on the chair beside him. The look on Prince Jungkook's face had so many emotions that one couldn't suffice it.

"You are here. And do I need any other reason, my Prince?"

Again Prince Seokjin felt himself blushing red by the constant sweet words. He wasn't sure whether Prince Jungkook was acting or flirting with him for real. But he was not going to complain anyways. Since he was craving for his husband's attention.

"None needed, my Prince. And you don't need any reasons to be here. You are invited here at anytime. We would be happy to have you here and so would our Kingdom." King Daniel said making Prince Jungkook to nod and smile.

Prince Seokjin was in awe by looking at his husband who was handsome in Yellow Hanbok with several beads hanging around.

"How was your travel, your Highness?" Prince Namjoon asked his brother-in-law who gave a gentle nod with a smile.

"G-Good, your Highness. Just little tired." This gained Queen Jisoo's attention who immediately stood up making others to stand up except the King.

"Oh!!, Pardon me for my foolishness, my Prince. Please make yourself comfortable in the palace. Take rest and let us know if you need anything."

Prince Jungkook stood up and bowed to everyone before looking at Prince Seokjin who was standing there like a statue.

"Prince Seokjin, show your room to him. You both can stay there until your departure." Prince Seokjin vaguely nodded before allowing Prince Jungkook to walk along with him. The two were walking in silence with no conversation shared.

Prince Jungkook was busy in admiring the Goguryeo palace, since this was his first time visit here. He was in already love with the place, and the people who were very kind to him.

Prince Seokjin with a big gulp opened his room door, followed by his husband. He was nervously fidgeting his fingers and looking everywhere. He was facing his back to his husband who could sense the other's fear.

"M-Make yourself comfortable, my Lord. I will be down, if you need anything inform one of the guards, and I will be here after your notice."

With that Prince Seokjin turned around and walked past Prince Jungkook only to be stopped by a hand holding him firmly on his wrist. Prince Seokjin gasped by the soft touch, and he could feel butterflies in his stomach and the weird feelings creeping inside him.

He slowly turned around and faced his husband. Prince Jungkook reached for Prince Seokjin's chin and lifted by making the other to look at him in the eyes.

"I missed you, my Prince."

Prince Seokjin felt goosebumps running on his body by hearing his husband's sweet voice. He could see the sincerity in his words, and his eyes expressed nothing but love and regrets.

"I apologize for my silence that night. But I do like you, my Prince. I wanted to marry you because I like you."

Prince Jungkook confessed his bottled up feelings which he had been keeping it as a secret. Of course he liked his husband. He was afraid of the King hurting him, but he never thought in the mean time he was hurting his Prince Seokjin.

He realized that his ignorance and stupid actions made Prince Seokjin to move away from him. Prince Jungkook didn't fulfill his duty as a husband and he upset his husband.

Prince Seokjin was speechless by seeing Prince Jungkook opening up to him. He could feel his heart bursting out by how happy he was. This is what he wanted. And now having his husband in his Kingdom, inside his bedroom was enough for him to understand that his Prince Jungkook wanted him just like how he desired for his husband.

"Please come back! I promise I won't hurt your feelings. I need you with me."

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